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I Got Approbation!... :D

...and that's not a Bakugan or anything like's something academically important. :P I got my second term report card today and I wanna talk about my day and my grades for term two on this blog, and I once again hope I don't make anyone fall asleep with this. :P day at school was overall AWETHUM!!! :D We got our report cards today and I'll tell you how I did soon enough. I had a substitute in ELA so it was basically a study. :P My math, Latin, Italian, and history classes were all normal. And I also had a study and PE today. PE was pretty fun cuz we got to play capture the flag against those stupid sixies. :twisted: :P We won too which was AWETHUM!!! :D It was pretty fun and it was a good opportunity for me to get rid of some of my bottled up energy. :P When we play, me and usually one or two of my other friends are jail gaurds cuz we do a really good job at that and everyone else is either too lazy or too scared that they'll screw up to do it. :P And I only had Latin homework when I got home. It wasn't too hard but it took me FOREVER!!! :P It took like two hours to do! :lol: :P I don't really care too much cuz I'm not gonna have Latin homework for a few nights now cuz I translated the whole story. :D And then I practiced my flute for a little while.

Now getting to the matter of my second term report card...

Conduct- A (stayed the same as last term.)

PE- A (stayed the same as last term.)

Band- A (went up from A- to A which I'm proud of. :D )

Declamation- A+ (We didn't do that last term. :P )

ELA- A (stayed the same as last term.)

History- A- (which I am so shocked but really proud about cuz I got it from a B+ to an A- and I suck at history. :D )

Latin- B (which I'm also shocked but proud about cuz I got it from a C+ to a B and I was in cluster C last year and had the worst sixie Latin teacher so I wasn't really expected to do good at Latin. :D )

Italian- A (which I'm not surprised about but I'm very much satisfied with. It went from an A- to an A which I'm pleased with to say the least. :D )

Math- B+ (I'm somewhat disappointed with this grade cuz I'm a math geek and it's usually my best subject and it's the only grade of mine that went down while all my others went up or stayed the same. But you know...usually when I try to pull up my grade in a subject or two...another grade or two of mine goes down so I'm glad it was only in one subject and it was only from an A- to a B+ so who's complaining?! :P )

Overall, I'l satisfied with all my grades and since I got all A's and B's this term...I got honors which is called Approbation at my school. Getting straight A's is called Approbation with Distinction. I've never gotten that at BLS. :P When you're thinking about my grades, keep in mind that my school is a super-hard advanced school and I'd probably most likely be getting straight A's at any normal school. I'm not trying to sound like a stuck-up jerk or anything and sorry if I do...but I'm just saying that. Sorry if I sounded like somewhat of a show-off or a jerk when I said that cuz I don't mean to.

The only sucky thing about today is that my voice sounds retarded cuz I have laryngitus. :P I forgot to mention this before but I've had laryngitus since Friday night. I mean, I can talk still and it's not contageous at least from my knowledge it isn't. :P I can talk, it's just that my voice sounds wierd...but I actually think it's sorta cool cuz I'm wierd. :P Of course my friends took that opportunity of my voice being screwed up to jokingly make fun of me. :P I don't care cuz they were just messing around with me. :P My laryngitus is getting better though...I think. :P

Oh...and last night my mom said something that shocked me but made me pretty darn happy. So... I was showing my mom my new Bakugan just for the sake of sounding like such a geek and a tom-boy around her and to annoy her. :P And after a little bit of talking about mom made this comment that she was surprised that I like Bakugan so much. And I wanted to really pull this one response from her so I was kinda doing that. :P And after a bit of mom...for the first time ever actually said to me that I'm a tom-boy!!! I know this isn't gonna change anything at all between me and my mom...but I was shocked that she said that even though I pulled it outta her almost. :P I just felt like sharing that with you on this blog. :P

That's about all that I haveta and wanna say. :P I'm not gonna play any pranks on my mom today cuz I've had a headache since R5 today and I took some asperin when I got home and I'm tired from my Latin work and I wanna take a nap. :P I don't need to take a shower luckily today so I'm just gonna nap for an hour or two. :P If I don't come on for an hour or two...I'll be in my room sleeping. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25 (who by the way is very very proud of her grades and is gonna call her dad later to tell him her grades. :P )