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I Got Banned Again So I'm Just Leaving.....

.....Gotcha. :P I just felt like playing a prank on everyone. :P Hopefully I didn't give anyone a heart attack cuz I'm not a doctor...yet. :P I actually do wanna be a pediatrition when I grow up. :) But uh...I'm definately not banned. I only have one TOS on this account. :P And I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon. :D

So nothing much has gone on during my break and I don't have too much to say. :P My mom is just letting me and my little brother stay at my dad's place all week. I really like that but the only sucky thing is that now I can't tie her panties to a pole. :P But I'll play a bunch of pranks on her when I get back to her place. Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P This is random but I love doing evil laughs. :P I already won my Bakugan video game. It was fun and pretty easy if you ask me. My last battle was AWETHUM!!! I beat Marduk and Vladitor with Pyrus Falconeer, Pyrus Ravenoid, and Pyrus Omega Leonidas. It was AWETHUM!!! :D My whole break seems to be going by really fast but I have no clue why. :P I don't want it to go by fast cuz I want it to lasy longer cuz I don't wanna go back to school. :P Well...I guess I haveta eventually. One thing that is a little sucky now is that it's too cold in MA to just go outside for fun now and I love going outside. I can't wait for the spring, even though that's a long time away. :P And this is sorta random but I can actually sorta mimic Bessie's voice when I wanna. I know how to do a fake lisp and all that, and my voice does sound sorta like hers, and I talk pretty fast cuz I'm an annoying motor-mouth, and I've noticed lately I laugh like she does sometimes. Sorta wierd, but I like it. :P

I don't have much else to say. :P This is probably kinda a shocker for you cuz my blogs are usually WAY longer, but're probably happy that there's not much else to read. :P I'm gonna go play Bakugan. (the real game, not the video game cuz I already won that) Ciao! -MightyBFan25