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I Got This AWETHUM Translucent Ventus Alpha Percival Today!!! :D

Okay...for any of you people that don't know much about Bakugan, that one that's mentioned in the title is this really cool and powerful Bakugan and it's series 2, or B2. But...I'll get to that in a minute. I wanna type more stuff first. Ireally don't hope I bore you all to death. :P Friday night was AWETHUM and I did absolutely nothing and I was at my dad's place by about 6. :D And my Saturday's been pretty good so far...I take that was AWETHUM!!! :D I mean, I had to help my dad with some errands and stuff as usual, but it was actually sorta fun to me cuz I'm a nerd. :P And...I got some new B2 Bakugan today!!! :D They're AWETHUM!!! :D I'll talk about them in the next paragraph. :P Oh...and my mom called me and my little brother this morning cuz "she misses us". Hah, yeah right! She doesn't miss us at all! All she cares about us for is cuz of child support. :P And my dad got the phone, talked to my mom about the bare minimum of stuff that needed to be talked about. Then my little brother talked to my mom. My brother is still too young to know all the reasons to hate my mom so he still does like her sometimes but he's beginning to hate her too now. So...he was talking about stuff. And then my mom wanted to talk to me. I was watching TV...well...I wasn't actually watching was just on and I was setting up a new AWETHUMER deck of Bakugan stuff with some new ones that I got today included. And my little brother told me that mom wanted to talk to me and I told him to tell my mom that I was asleep and even if I was awake I wouldn't wanna talk to her anyways. :lol: :P I'm gonna get it when I get back to my mom's place! :P That's about it to say about non-Bakugan related things... :P

Now getting to the Bakugan-related things. :P So...I got some new Bakugan today, well...six to be specific along with six new gate cards and six new ability cards. They're all actually a great addition to my Bakugan collection and worth the investment. I'm not gonna run through the cards but for ability cards I got 1 black, two green, and three red, and for gate cards I got two gold, two silver, and two bronze. Now for the Bakugan... :P I actually have my new ones right near me along with a gate card to open them up so I don't forget like a moron. :P So...I just feel like bragging a little bit and talking about then cuz I'm a nerd. :P I got an Aquos Wildred (or Kilroy cuz it has two names, I dunno why) that has 520 G's. I got a Haos Midnight Percival that has 550 G's. (Percivals of all types are pretty common but they're powerful and cool looking. :P ) I got a Darkus Neo Dragonoid that also has 550 G's. I got a Subterra Fox-Bat that has 610 G's. And now...these next two are the same type of Bakugan but they're AWETHUM for different reasons. I got a Darkus Alpha Percival (Darkus is THE attribute to have Percival in cuz that's what he is in the show) that has 720 G's! That's AWETHUM!!! 720 is my highest one yet, higher than Naga!!! And it's basically THE attribute to have Percival in too. :D And don't get me wrong, I love all my Bakugan, even my Haos Falconeer that only has 310 G's, which is sorta pathetic. :P But this one is one of my favorites and that's why it gets a mention in the title of my blog. :D It's a Translucent Ventus Alpha Percival that has 650 G's!!! :D That's equal to the G's on Naga!!! :D's translucent which makes it look really cool. And it's Ventus, which is one of my favorite types along with Haos and Pyrus, but I like all types. And just like the other Alpha Percival... if you pull back the top of it's head it's mouth opens so it can rawr if you want it to. :P I like doing that. :P It's just AWETHUM and one of my favorite Bakugan that I have!!! :D Now...I guess I should shut up now cuz I already probably sound like a nerd. :P

That's about all I haveta say. Sorry about the lame, nerdy, Bakugan-related title. :P My family's going out for dinner in about 20 minutes and I guess I should get outta my pajamas which I was wearing the second I came home from doing errands. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25