Yeah...the title's correct. The weather outside where I live is kinda sucky today so even though I could still go outside and do some stuff...I don't really wanna. Outside it's just rainy, humid, cold, and cloudy and even though I'm more ofa cold-weather person...ah...the rest of the stuff to describe the weather today I'm not too big a fan of. :P So...yeah...I'm probably just gonna kinda stay inside all day and do nothing. :P
So far today I haven't done anything that'd interest any of you. :P The only good thing about today is that I have the house to myself until 5 because that's when my mom gets home...and that'll be the case for tomorrow too because my little brother's staying at my dad's place until Tuesday night. I woulda stayed there too but I thought it would be nice to get some alone time and have the house to myself for a little while. :P Then I'll have more time to be an evil mastermind! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So my day's been pretty good so far. :D :P I think later today one of my mom's friends is coming over for coffee or whatever. And know...lately my mom's snobby evil friends haven't come over here...they haven't visited my mom at all that I know of ever since what I did to them the last time they came over. :twisted: :P Yep...I think I took care of them.:P And lately whenever one of my mom's friends have come over they haven't been all uptight and snobby and actually don't seem to hate my mom's stopped talking to them and made some better friends at work or something. :D :P But...I'll never ask her if that's the case...I don't want her to know what I did to her friends because she might not know and ah...I don't want her to know that I actually give a crap about what she's doing with herself. :P Besides...she probably wouldn't even answer my question. :PYeah...not much else to say about my day. :P
By the way...I did all my back-to-school shopping yesterday and it was ABSOLUTE TORTURE!!! I HATED IT!!!!! But ah...I lived or how else would I be typing this blog :P I got all my supplies that I know I'm gonna need anda new backpack and even though I didn't want any new clothes my mom made me get some new clothes. That was the worst part of the whole ordeal...but at least it's over and done with. :P And for once my mom didn't make me get something to wear that was all pink and prissy and girly that I'll never wear...THANK GOD!!! Because I'll never wear that crap so it's just a waste of money if you ask me. :P least that's over and done with and I'm ready for my first day back to school which is about two weeks from now. :D I don't wanna go back but ah...I guess I haveta...besides...I'm a nerd...when I get back in the swing of things I'll be back in love with Latin, Italian, Algebra 2, Biology, Bandand English...but not History...I never really liked History too much. :P And it's my worst subject. :P I just hope I get some good teachers and not all the evil or terrible ones. :P So now I just haveta wait for the first day back to school and I'll get my schedule and all that crap and then on the first weekend after my first few days back I'll haveta get all my binders and random special supplies that you never thought you'd need. :P I would wanna get my binders right now but the teachers who make you keep a binder want them to be specific sizes and colors and all that crap which I find annoying. :P Oh school's retarded...advanced and full of nerdy, smarticle peoples...but retarded. :P
The only thing that's kinda been bothering me lately is that I've noticed that my mom's seemed to change a little after my productive troublemaking and I don't hate her anymore...well...I still hate her...but not as much as I used to. :? I mean...I guess it's a good thing but I mean...I's just kinda wierd that now I don't hate her with a passion like I used to. :? Ah...I guess it's a good thing's not good to hate people...ESPECIALLY if you see them almost every day of the week. :P And it's not good to be filled with hatred and to always be this is a good thing...I just hope that this doesn't turn out to be a bad thing. But then again...I doubt it could...besides...I'm hardly ever angry at anyone so maybe almost never being angry at anyone would be even better. Besides...I have enough stress with school-work as it is...I don't need it to be any worse. :P Well...I'll see what just kinda sucks that I almost feel like a traitor to myself but ah...I'm not really a traitor to myself...the only way I could be is if I started acting like how I did during my epic prank for really reals...but ha! :P Like that'll ever happen! :P
I don't have much else to talk about in this blog so now I should get on with all the stuff for the RANDOM GAME TWO.'s the correct answer to the last question and an explanation as to why each possible answer choice is right or wrong:
A.) I'm not telling that nerd anything! I'll just slap that gun outta her hand and beat her up! (This isn't the right answer because even though it's the end of the world...violence isn't the answer to anything...except in cartoons...and even then. :P're trying to get MightyBFan25 to teach you how to play Bakugan so you can save the world again and beating her up isn't gonna make her wanna help you. :P I should know...I'm MightyBFan25. :P )
B.) Explain to her everything that's been happening and that she needs to teach you how to play Bakugan. (This is the correct answer because even though MightyBFan25 might not believe's better than any of the other choices and it'll actually possibly get you what you want...unlike all the others. :P )
C.) Take the shotgun, kill her, and take her Bakugan stuff and try to figure out for yourself how to play. (PLEASE don't choose this one. :P seriously isn't right and I'm not using reverse psychology or anything like that...I'm trying to seriously help you out here. :P ) (Uh...I think you know why this one's wrong. :P Even though after killing MightyBFan25 you might have all her Bakugan're not gonna be able to teach yourself how to play Bakugan! :P's a complex game involving strategy and skill that can only be taught to you by a nerd. :P )
D.) Demand to have her teach you how to play Bakugan. Besides...she's a nerd...what can she do...kill me?! She only has a loaded gun! I can take her! (Uh...this one's wrong too. :P If you demand something from MightyBFan25...uh...she has a loaded gun...she'll probably kill you. :P Think for more than three seconds if you chose this answer! Either that or read a book...PLEASE!!! :P Thank god no one chose this answer. :lol: :P )
So the correct answer was B...pretty obvious, huh? :P's an update of the scoreboard:
Girlygirl24: 5 points (I told you to stop reading my mind! :P that too much to ask?! :P Kidding. :P )
Spongegirl1029: 1 point
FZeroBoyo: 1 point least three peoples won't rot in the Doom Dimension for all of eternity! :D :P Kidding. :P So...let's get on with the next part of the story:
So you decide to explain everything that's been happening for the past two months and why you're here to MightyBFan25. Then you ask her to teach you how to play Bakugan so you can defeat the Evil Wizard and Apollonir which is the first step to saving the world once more. Then you begin to get nervous, thinking that MightyBFan25 might not believe you. After you're done explaining everything to her and asking her to teach you how to play Bakugan...she immediately unloads the gun and puts it away. MightyBFan25 says: "You know...I'm actually surprised that you had the guts to tell me what's really going on. I believe your story and now that I think about all makes perfect sense. Thanks for coming here and heck...I'll teach you how to play Bakugan! You know...if you wanted I'd take on the Evil Wizard and Apollonir myself!" Your response is: "You'd really do that...? Thanks. So...when are you gonna have a Bakugan battle brawl or whatever it's called against those two?" MightyBFan25 answers: "Ah...I'll do it soon...but before I help you out...first you must do a series of humiliating, pointless tasks for me. He he he!". MightyBFan25 begins thinking to herself: "You know...this is the perfect way to see if this person has any guts. I know that I'm not the person who needs to save the's this person who came to me for part in this whole thing is just to give the hero in this story all the knowledge of Bakugan brawling that I can possibly pass along so they can defeat the Evil Wizard and Apollonir in the battle that's meant to be. I don't really want this person to do any of those tasks for me...I'm testing you to see if you have the guts to stand up to me and refuse to do those tasks...the first thing a Bakugan Brawler needs is guts...the rest of it all comes with practice. And it this hero fails my test...I'll haveta push you until you pass. And if that doesn't least I woulda got a good laugh from watching you do all that stupid stuff. Ha ha ha!". You have no clue what MightyBFan25 has been thinking to herself for the past five minutes. Then MightyBFan25 hands you a list of all those humiliating, pointless tasks that she wants you to do. Well...what are you gonna go? (Think about what MightyBFan25's been thinking to herself in the story. :P )
A.) Well...I don't wanna do any of this crap but I will...I mean...she's got a loaded gun...she could kill me if I don't do whatever she wants!
B.) I'll do all this stupid crap...but only to possibly save the world. Besides...MightyBFan25 said that if I did it all she'd take on the Evil Wizard and Apollonir for me!
C.) You know what...I'm not doing any of this crap! She even said it herself that it's all just humiliating and pointless so why should I do it?! Besides...she unloaded that gun...I saw her do it! She can't do anything to me now! I'm just gonna throw that stupid list on the ground and beat her up!
D.) You know...this is all just so stupid! I'm gonna leave this stupid place and just go back to that place where I found that tree and sit there until I die! Yeah...that's better than any of this crap! ( it isn't...and that's why this answer's obviously wrong. :P It seriously is...and I'm seriously trying to help you out...just like with the last question. :P )
I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog so thanks if you actually read the whole thing and if not...ah...I wouldn't know anyways. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)