As the title day today was wicked AWETHUM!!!!! :D Now I'll actually explain why in case you actually care. :P So usually every year during the summer or Spring Break my family goes to this place called Salem Willows...and it's AWETHUM there because it's this long stretch of buildings that has arcade games, some amusment park rides, a mini-golf course (which to be honest isn't that great but I don't go there to play mini-golf cuz there's a course that's like ten times better and way closer to my dad's place. :P ), and some places where you can get ice-cream and that sorta stuff. So, my little brother, my dad, and my grandma went there today for about three hours...not counting the ride to and from there...but I think that was about an hour or so for both ways. So when we got there we played some games first which was pretty fun. I played ski-ball a lot (because that's pretty fun and there is some physics in it when you think about it so it's kinda mentally stimulating for me...but that's not the real reason why. :P It's just fun.), me and my little brother went on that roller-coaster simulator thingy which was AWETHUM, and I played a few other random games. Then my grandma told me to try playing this one random game where there was thing big wheel thingy and you pulled some lever thingy and it went around for a while and then it landed on some random number which was how many tickets you won. If I remember right the thing cost four quarters to play...which my grandma did give me to play for some reason...I dunno why though...but my grandma is pretty nice. So anyways...I played it two times and I gota decent amount of tickets on it both times...but I kinda realized that I was in a bit of a rut because the spinner kept landing in the same area about when I was pulling the lever pretty then on my third try I decided to pull it not so hard and it slowed down in this area where you had this small area where you could win 1,000 tickets and it legit landed in that area! :D Aw was AWETHUM!!! :D And I'm like wicked unlucky...but...I guess maybe I was lucky for that one moment in time...and apparently some people were saying that it was like impossible to get the 1,000 tickets...kinda wierd huh? I grandma just randomly told me to play it and on my third try I just won the best thing that you could on it. :P So anyways...we played a few more games after that then we went to take all our tickets to the ticket eater thingy and all together the four of us had 2,280 tickets. But...I didn't get any prizes there...I didn't want anything and I figure I can save them for something next year. Anyways...after that we went to get some ice-cream and some other stuff which was good and then we decided to leave. All in was pretty fun and I can't believe what I did in that was so random...and I personally thought that it was impossible and so stupid...but...maybe it wasn't. :P I always thought the same thing about that game with the light that spins around and you haveta get it in between those to colored gate things...but...I've won that so many times because I have wicked good reflexes from video that came in handy. :P Other than that...the rest of my day's been pretty unproductive and I don't have much else to talk about in this blog. :P
Now getting onto THE RANDOM GAME OF ABSOLUTE RANDOMNESS: ( :lol: ) last question was which Pokemon you should use to take out that swarm of Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengars. Well...I decided to make that question cuz I knew that a lot of people would get it wrong (ESPECIALLY Girlygirl24, no're AWETHUM...but I wanted you to get at least one question wrong...and I know that you know nothing about Pokemon. :P ) and I was right. :twisted: :P Sorry peoples...but I wanna be evil in this game...because...well...I am pretty evil when I wanna be and it's fun to be an evil villain. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Anyways...enough gloating about my absolutely evil nerdy plan. :lol: :P The right answer was Alakazam...I forget what letter it was though. Sceptile was a terrible answer (hate to admit it...well...actually...not too much...but yes...if you said're wrong...Girlygirl24...yes...I remember what answer you picked. :twisted: :P ) because...well...Sceptile is a grass-type and those Pokemon that you needed to take out are poison and ghost types and guess what...grass types have a terrible weakness against poison types so that's not good at all. Machamp and Linoone were also terrible answers because Linoone is a normal type and Machamp is a fighting type and ghost types aren't effected AT ALL by fighting and normal type moves so you couldn't even attack them! :lol: :P (You can see that I'm having fun with this game, huh? :P ) So...the only correct answer was is a psychic type which has the advantage over ghost and poison types because its moves are super effective againest them. So there...that's why the only right answer was Alakazam...which also happens to be one of my favorite non-legendary Pokemon. :D :P to continue the story: So you take the Pokeball that contains the Pokemon Alakazam and release it saying "Come on out Alakazam!" and then it comes out. Then you say to Alakazam, "Use Psychic on the Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengars!" and then Alakazam uses Psychic on those Pokemon and makes them lose all their HP's and faint in one move! Then you can finally see the Evil Wizard up in the Magic Palace and you scream, "Come down here so I can kill you!!!" and then he just laughs and says that you need to go through the Magic Palace first which is booby-trapped...or you can choose to have a Bakugan Battle with Masquerade who is working for him and then he'll come down and fight you! You decide to have the Bakugan Battle with Masquerade (who is a Darkus Brawler *hint*) and you can battle with any attribute of Bakugan to battle with so...which attribute will you battle with? (MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Let's see if anyone besides me knows stuff about Bakugan... I am evil...aren't I? :P )
A) Haos.
B) Ventus.
C) Pyrus.
D) Aquos.
Once again...MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P You must really hate me for being such a nerd now...huh? :P Ah well...I don't really care too much...I love being an evil nerd. :twisted: :P I don't have much else to say. But just so you can laugh at me...I haveta go clothes shopping with my mom tomorrow to get something "nice" to wear for my Spring Concert for Band...and I hate clothes shopping...I'd rather be playing in the mud...actually...I'd much rather be playing the the mud and getting filthy. :P So...laugh at me all you want. :P I don't care though. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who'd appreciate it if all of you...ESPECIALLY Girlygirl24...don't laugh at me too much. :P )