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I Had The Stupidest And Most Pointless Class Ever Today... :P

I'll get to the title in a sec but I wanna talk about my day before that just to bore you all to death. :P Kidding. :P If any of you died cuz of reading one of my blogs...well...I'd be in for a lawsuit probably...hehe. :P But anyways, my day was pretty good. :D It was a Day 5 at my school so I had PE and a study. I also had no homework when I got home so that's why I'm making this blog so early. :P Nothing crazy or wierd or stupid really happened for the most part...which was good but kinda boring I guess. :P It was a normal day for the most part...well...actually aside from my last class of the day, which just so happens to bring me to the title of this blog...

Well...I had PE last today and it was the most pointless and stupid class yet...which I didn't really mind. We played kickball and like half my class had to sit out cuz they "forgot" their gym clothes. Really...they just do that on purpose so they don't haveta participate.So only like 20 of us were actually playing. Of that 20, 5 were boys and 15 were girls and my PE teacher, Mr. Hollands, made it boys vs. girls. And of course since I'm a girl I was on the girls' team and we were absolutely pathetic. :lol: :P I mean...the boys basically killed us and the only reason we weren't completely obliterated is cuz Mr. Hollands kept making things harder for the boys by making them do stuff like kick with their bad foot, throw with their bad hand, they could only catch with one hand, they had to hop on one foot to the bases, they only got one out, etc... You get the point, we were pathetic. :P And even with all that stuff that the boys had to do...they still won. I didn't really care though cuz the boys looked really stupid doing all that random stuff and even though they won...I got a good laugh out of it so it was definately worth the loss. The only thing that I didn't like is one of my friends on my PE class who was participating and is a boy kept bragging about that on the train ride home and some of my other friends who aren't in my PE class got into a friendly argument about that on the train. So many random peoples were looking at us like we were crazy but I didn't care. :P Ah...I'll hear the end of the bragging from my friend in a few days probably. :P

I don't have much else to really say in this blog. :P I did go to the park yesterday and I'm sure you all know what I did. :P And later on yesterday I prank called my arch enemy at my old school and didn't go too well...hehe. :P She didn't fall for the prank call trick and she said that I'm gonna get it in CCD class next year. :P I don't care though...I'll probably see her over the summer or something in my neighbourhood and I'll probably just throw a water balloon or something at her. :P I'm dreading CCD class next year though...I'm gonna haveta see all those absolute morons from my old school and all the people who hated me and I don't wanna. Ah well...I guess I can deal with it.

I'm bored...I don't wanna end this blog at the moment though. :P Ah...I might as well tell you peoples a little something about myself which involves how I do my school work and my personality when it comes to doing things. Well...if you've read a good amount of my blogs you've probably realized that I'm the exact opposite of a procrastinator and I never ever procrastinate, right? Well...I'm the same way with most things that are work. I just like to do it right away, get it out of the way, and then be happy and stress-free for a while. Now...before I say anything case you don't know, there's two major types of personalities: Type-A, and Type-B. Type-A is the kinda person who does all their work right away and keeps on top of things. Type-B is the kinda person who would rather procrastinate and put off their work and do nothing. Well...I'd consider myself a good mix of both. I mean...I do all my work right away to just get it out of the way (like someone with a Type-A personality)and the reason I do that is so later I can do nothing (like someone with a Type-B personality). I kinda get that from my dad cuz he's the same way. I know I don't get that from my mom cuz my mom's so lazy and she has a major Type-B personality...which isn't a good thing in my opinion. So...just a little something you might wanna know about me. :P And this is random but did you know that the word procrastinate comes from the Latin words pro and cras. Pro meaning for, and cras meaning tomorrow, so the word does basically mean "for tomorrow-tinate". :P Ah...I doubt any of you care though. :P

I don't have anything else to really say. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25