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I Have Nothing Better To Do Right Now So I'm Just Making This Blog... :P

Yeah, I honestly have nothing better to do with myself right now so I'm just making a blog. :P Well...that and I wanna start my blog party as soon as I can. :P This is my 98th blog so just one more blog and after that my next one will be the blog party. :D Just remember to come as long as you're not Satan, a zombie (cuz I HATE zombies now cuz of that dream...they're making me ridiculously paranoid lately. :P ), a wizard who plans to destroy the world, Portia Gibbons, or Ms. Gibbons...or my mom for that matter. But I doubt any of you are any of those said things so just come. :D :P

And remember that if you go on The Mighty B! forums regularly the discussion will be at 6 EST today. I'll send you a PM later to remind you all. :D

So far my day's been pretty good and unproductive. I slept until about 10, I watched TV, went online, and uh...that's about it. :P It's been relaxing so far and I don't have any real plans for today except to do nothing...if that counts as a plan for today. :P And I just wanna say that I had fun at the park yesterday. :P The only sucky thing was having to take a shower when I got home but ah well...I guess I needed one. :P That's all I wanna really say about today. :P

The last thing that I really wanna mention in this blog is this really wierd dream that I had last night but it doesn't involve anything scary like zombies this time. :D :P So I remember that me and my mom went to see some guidance counselor person (I don't really do that...I don't have any problems that I'd need one for really, it was just part of my dream so don't think I'm mentally insane or anything) and the person said that since my mom never really does anything nice for my or my little brother she should use her tax money (which she had just recieved in my dream apparently) to do something for us and if she didn't she'd get into a lot of trouble. :twisted: :P So...we went back home and my mom asked me and my little brother if there was anything that we'd want. My little brother wanted some virtual Bakugan arena thingy (that would simulate Bakugan battles like in the show, but it seriously doesn't exist) and my mom did use a spare room in the house to put that in and it was AWETHUM! :D I wasn't sure what I wanted at that time but I knew I wanted something that would get my mom really ticked off just to be evil. :twisted: :P So I went to bed and the next morning I knew what I wanted to get and I told my mom (I dunno why I wanted this...I just did in my dream to get my mom ticked off) that I wanted a mud wrestling arena (like the kind from this Survivor challenge thingy) or something like that so my mom unwillingly put that in another spare room in our apartment and it was AWETHUM cuz I could get dirty whenever I wanted too without even leaving the house. :twisted: :P And I used it a lot. :P But then I remember I wanted to play a prank on my mom and I went a little too far I guess cuz I apparently threw my mom in the mud and she got so ticked off and wanted to absolutely kill me but she didn't punish me at all which was kinda wierd. But then the next day my mom paid one of my former arch-enemies who used to bully me at my old school fifty bucks to basically beat me up to the point where I'd be in a full body cast after she was done with me in the arena thingy and if I refused to go in the arena my mom would get rid of it forever so I unwillingly went into the arena thingy and was getting kinda beat up. So...I decided to play some of my mind tricks by saying stuff like: What are you doing her anyways? You hate me and you hate getting dirty. Why would you help my mom? I can't believe that you're stooping down to my level of immaturity. And just a bunch of stuff like that to mess with her mind and it actually did work and I only ended up with a broken left arm which got better really soon and then I got to keep my arena thingy without ending up in a full body cast. :D ended up pretty good I guess...aside from getting my arm broken. :P That's about it though.

That's all I haveta say in this blog. :P I'm still ridiculously paranoid cuz of the zombie dream and I hope I get over that soon. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25