Well, this is probably an exaggeration, but I seriously do have a very VERY stressful week coming up cuz it's the last full week of the second term at my school. It sucks! On Thursday, I haveta do my Declamation. That's not too bad cuz I'm going second that day and I can just get it over and done with. :D And...I'm really good at Declamation, it's an easy A for me, and I know what I'm gonna do and it's gonna be AWETHUM!!!!! :D I actually can't wait for that, but it is a little stressful. The only thing that I hate about it is that I haveta dress up all nice and junk and it sucks! :( I just hate dressing up all nice and stuff and it makes me just plain uncomfortable and I feel like a stupid prissy girl. :P Well, on Friday, I have the Holiday Concert to play in. So...I haveta go with my mom which is gonna be torture and I haveta stay with her for an extra day. :( But...that's not too stressful either cuz I've been practicing and I can perfectly play all the music and we're preforming in a huge band with like 85 other peoples. So...that's not so bad either. :) But then...Mr. Mummolo said he's gonna assign us this HUGE Italian group project. I'm just glad it's group work and we haveta work in groups of three. I decided to work with the people at my table cuz I'm pretty good friends with both of them and they get about the same grades that I get in Italian so they're not slackers and they're good at it. :) He's gonna have everything set in stone for us on Monday but he said that it's probably gonna be a four page paper on Italian Neorealism, which is why we were watching all the movies in class. And if we want, we can make a Powerpoint Presentation. I wanna do that with my group. I mean, I suck with computers, but I'm good at making Powerpoints, we'd be staying after school to work on it together, and it'd be a good visual aid when we present. Yeah...this week's gonna be a pain! :P
I hope I didn't bore you too much with that. :P Well, anyways, I must admit that I'm sorta a screwed up mess right now. :P I forgot to say that on Friday when I was walking from my last period study to put some books in my locker and I was talking to my friends on the stairs, I wasn't looking and I missed a step and I didn't fall, but I banged into the wall and got a little banged up. I have some cuts and scratches on my hands and legs but ah...I'm fine. :P Now...that's one reason why I'm a screwed up mess and the other is that I don't know how, but I somehow got laryngitus (I KNOW I spelled that wrong. :P ) I mean, I can still talk, but my voice sounds screwed up when I talk a little higher pitched like when I'm excited or going off on a LONG rant or something. :P The only sucky thing is that I'm a little concerned about the grading portion of tone of voice on my Declamation cuz it's a lot of points and if my voice is still screwed up...it'll be a DISASTER!!! :lol: I mean, I think I'll be better by Thursday, but if not...I'm gonna haveta have my mom write a letter for me to give to Ms. Wenz explaining that. I mean, yes, I could just tell her, but it honestly sounds too much like an excuse that someone would use to avoid doing Declamation, so I'll do it, but I need to have my mom write her a letter and basically explain that my voice is screwed up. But...I'm almost sure that I'll be better before that. :D I'll tell you what happens with that. :)
And uh...that's about all I haveta really say. I don't wanna go back to my mom's place but I am in about two hours, and I REALLY dunwanna start this stressful, STRESSFUL week coming up. And...worst of all...it's raining! Now...this normally would be a good thing cuz I could just go and play in the mud tomorrow but I can't for three reasons: I'm gonna be too busy with my Declamation, the Holiday Concert, and that Italian project to just go and play in the mud, it's not raining enough for the ground to be really muddy, and since I have laryngitus, my mom's gonna wanna keep me inside the second I get home from school so I'm basically gonna be in a maximum-security prison in my own house until I get better. :lol: :P So...this week's gonna suck, but if I get through this, the three days of next week that I'm in school are gonna be SO EASY and then I have Christmas break which'll be AWETHUM!!!!! :D Ciao! -MightyBFan25