Okay...since you're reading this blog I might as well mention something about the DWTHYW blog. :P Well...first of all...just cuz I'm making this blog...you can still go on the DWTHYW blog and comment on it...you just haveta go to my profile page and it'll be my second most recent blog. :P And that blog'll be over and done with on Wednesday...so I'm almost done being tortured on that blog. :lol: :P So...anyways...thanks for commenting on that blog...I appreciate that...I just wanna know why the heck you think that blog's a party! :P It's not a party...it's a do-whatever-the-heck-you-wanna blog. :P Well...anyways...enough of this...I should get on with my blog. :P
Well...for the past few days since I last wrote a blog nothing special's really happened...just the usual unproductiveness of the summer. :P The only thing that's special that really happened was the results of my AWETHUM productive troublemaking evil plan! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Well...I believe it was Tuesday when my mom had something in store for me. Well...when I told my mom that it was all an epic prank and that I fell outta the tree in the backyard and got kinda banged up...well...my mom was too ticked off at me to do anything with me. :lol: :P But she said that she'd do whatever she had in store for me on Thursday instead. But on Wednesday morning when I woke up I saw that my mom wrote me a letter and it did have some more personal stuff in it that I'd rather not mention but the main thing was that I found out that when my mom was a kid she was a tom-boy (which I already knew from listening in on some of her adult conversations. :P ) and she liked to be a troublemaker and play pranks on people and play in the mud but she just kinda gave it all up when she became a teenager for some odd reason. (Luckily that's not my case. :P ) So...if anyone's been wondering where I got my screwed-up personality from...it's from my mom...which is kinda strange cuz I thought that it would be from my dad. :P Oh well...guess I was wrong. :P And then last Thursday I took up on part of my mom's bribe and I finally got my hair cut way shorter than to my shoulders. :D :P (FINALLY!!!!! :P ) and then my mom took me and my little brother to some arcade place which was really fun. :D (Wierd...didn't think my mom would take us there. :P ) My mom mentioned that this Thursday we MIGHT go to see a movie or something but I dunno. :P Anyways...my next mission though is to try to get my mom to play in that mud pit in the backyard. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...I doubt that'll work but I can give it a shot starting today! :D :P Other than that everything's been pretty normal and I don't have much else to talk about. :P The weekend at my dad's place was pretty nice too...we didn't do anything that special but it was nice. And surprisingly my dad didn't seem too surprised when he saw that I finally got my hair cut wicked short. :P Ah well...I don't really care anyways. :P And to be honest...I like having my hair cut wicked short...it makes it way easier to wash the mud outta my hair when I'm done playing in the mud. :P That and to be honest I don't think I look half bad.:D Anyways...not much else to talk about. :P
By the way...when the DWTHYW blog is over and done with on Wednesday...I'll start the second random game on my blogs. :P It'll kinda be like a sequel to the last one actually. :P It'll be the same thing...part of the story and then a multiple choice question...the only thing that'll change is that I won't keep track of lives...you'll just get a point if you get the question right (if you get it wrong nothing happens. :P ) and when the random game's over the person with the most points wins! :D :P And you know what you win...? :P ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!! :D :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...but you do win nothing...except maybe bragging rights. :P And I've already come up with a fair amount of questions...but this time they'll WAY more nerdy questions that only a nerd like me could answer! :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...better brush up on your Bakugan trivia I guess! :P And if not...you're doomed to fall into the Doom Dimension! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P
One other random thing that I wanna mention is that I'm really close to reaching 10,000 forum posts which is a personal goal that I've had on this site that I've never mentioned for some odd reason. :P Another is to get to 200 blogs by the end of the year. :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that and I'm gonna make sure that one of my blogs is my 10,000th post to make it all epic and stuff. :D :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that. :P
Now I just have three random questions and then I'll end this blog... :P
FIRST RANDOM QUESTION: I dunno but I'm thinking about getting a Bakugan icon. :P So uh...do you think I should? :P If not...ah...I'll still probably get a Bakugan icon soon...I'm just thinking about it and I wanna see if it actually matters to anyone. :P
SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: Just wondering but is anyone actually gonna participate in the random game if I start it again? :P Come on! :P You can win absolutely nothing...that makes it worth while...right...? :D :P
THIRD RANDOM QUESTION: (BE CAREFUL WHILE ANSWERING THISONE...at least...part one of it anyways. :twisted: :P ) Well...does anyone think that the DWTHYW blog is REALLY a party...? :P And this is the second part...do you think I regret making the DWTHYW blog yet...? :P To be honest...I don't...but you can think whatever you wanna. :P
I don't have much else to talk about in this blog and I'm sorry that it's so wicked long. :P Or am I...?! :twisted: :P Yeah...I'm so NOT sorry! ESPECIALLY after some of you called my DWTHYW blog a party! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Okay...this blog's long enough. :P Vale. (In case you forgot that's Latin for "farewell" andin Latin theV's are pronounced as W's. :P )-MightyBFan25