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I Haven't Made A Blog In About A Week So I Might As Well Make This Now... :P

Yeah...I know that I haven't made a blog in abouta week but I've either been too lazy, tired, or ticked off to write one this week and I wanted to keep that blog party at the top of the list of my blogs as long as possible. So...I'm just gonna talk about my week in this blog and hopefully it won't be too long. :P And if you haven't already tortured me and trashed my place enough at my blog party feel free tocheck it out. :P's how my week's been:

On Monday: It was pretty good and it was a Day 4 at BLS so I had two studies and had no homework when I got home. We did get assigned this History paper which I did that night and we got assigned this Italian dialogue thingy which I also did that night to get ahead of things like I normally do. That's really about it. :P

On Tuesday: It was Day 5 at my school so I had PE and a study. I also had Declamation that day which was pretty good. I got a 95 on it which is AWETHUM!!!!! :D And after I had Declamation, I had PE so I got to get out of my Declamation clothes and not wear them home which I kinda liked. :P I just kinda hated that that girl in my Math class HG, who hates me was asking me for declamation tips and kinda trying to be nice to me for a few days cuz she knows that I'mgood at Declamation and she had hers on Thursday and she sucks at it. And of course I didn't help her at all. :P Not to be mean or anything...I'll usually help anyone with anything...but she's just a COMPLETE JERK to me and I can't be nice to her even if I'm faking it. But that's about it for that day. :P

On Wednesday: It was Day 6 at my school so I had Band and a study which I enjoyed. Not much really happened that day except...well...actually...nothing wierd happened. :P The only thing was that my mom got me really ticked off so I just went to bed kinda early I think and I read a book until like 11 at night. :P

Yesterday: Ah...nothing much else happened that day either. :P It was Day 1 so I had music sectionals and a study. In music we got this new piece of music called Normandy Beach which is this march written in 2:4 time and it's really fast and our fingerings are all over the place and it's just really hard but I can play about the first 25 measures pretty darn good the rest...I don't wanna say how that sounds though. :lol: :P And I got home and I was really tired so I just watched Survivor and went to bed. My mom really got on my nerves yesterday and I didn't wanna make a blog yesterday for fear of saying something that I shouldn't be saying on this site cuz when I get ticked off...well...I tend toact kinda stupid...well...more stupid than usual so I try to control myself but yesterday I was too tired to even bother with self-control. :P That's about it though.

Today: Today was pretty good. It was Day 2 so I had Band and a study which was pretty good. All I had when I got home was ELA homework. We're not really doing anything new lately in school except in ELA. We took a History and Latin test today and I think I did pretty darn good on both but I think I did better on my Latin one cuz I'm AWETHUM at Latin. :D :P In Math we're learning how to graph parabolas which is easy. In Italian...I have no clue what we're doing cuz the class is such a joke and it's so easy. :lol: :P In ELA we're starting to read the book "Les Miserable" which by the way is French so it's not pronounced how you think it would be pronounced. :P I really like the book and it only had about 400 pages and I'm already at about page 75 and I plan to get to page 100 by midnight tonight...which will be pretty easy. :P I really like the book anyways so it's not like I'm forcing myself to read it...I actually enjoy it and if you wanna I'd recommend reading it...but do NOT read the unabridged version cuz that's like 1,200 pages the abridged one which is only 400 pages long...the one I'm reading. :P That's about it. :P The weather's gonna be so nice this weekend apparently so I'm probably gonna be outside a lot. :P That's about it. :P

So...that's how my week's been. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25