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I Just Realized Something... :P

I'll say what I just realized in a few paragraphs from now...but I wanna do more typing before that. :P I once again hope I don't bore you and I'll try not to make this too long. :P

So.....overall I had an AWETHUM day at school. :D The day went my really quick, I goofed around with my friends A LOT and I had two studies. The AWETHUM thing too was that I had no homework when I got home cuz I either did it in advance, in class, or in my first study. So...I had nothing to do in my sixth period study so I started drawing on my friend's book-cover. was more like random squiggles to make it look stupid. :P And then my friend took my pen and threw it in the trash. :lol: :P I didn't care cuz being a nerd, I have a bunch of pens and pencils on hand. :P And then I had to go to the bathroom so I wrote a pass and got it signed and left for like five minutes and when I came back, my friend wrote ALL OVER some pages in my agenda book and it was pretty funny. :lol: :P Besides, I already used the pages she wrote on. :P But overall...AWETHUM day!!! :D

Now this is getting to the thing that I just realized... :P Well, in band, which I had a few days ago, we started learning from the level two book which is a major accomplishment. And...we're starting to practice Amazing Grace, which sounds AWETHUM!!! :D Anyways, in band, my music teacher, Mr. Harper, mentioned that musicians are always sorta crazy and wierd and he considers everyone in his band musicians. And everyone in the band is sorta crazy and wierd. :P I completely agree with that though. :D And...I just realized this but: I sorta feel that it's even more fine for me to be crazy and wierd and I almost feel like I have the entitlement to cuz I'm considered a musician just like everyone in band. :D So...maybe I was supposed to play an instrument all along and my personality was just a sign...but I dunno. :P By the way, if you don't know, I play the flute. :D

Oh...and a few days ago I got into a bit of a fight with my mom. I'd rather not get into it but it wasn't too nice. :P It's fine and I don't care, but I'm too lazy to really talk about it. If you wanna know what happened though, you can ask in a comment on this blog...but I'm not gonna type it if no one's gonna read it. :P And...I was still doing my evil mind games all week long and still am. Today's the day where it all pays off!!! :twisted: :P I said that I was gonna invite all my friends over and trash the place and then when they left I was gonna leave and go get filthy at the park and drip mud all over the house...but the point of this mind game was to do nothing and still get my mom to have a neat-freak panic attack...which I bet she will. I just wish that I could see the look on her face when she comes home and everything's fine. :P But I can't cuz my dad's gonna pick me up before my mom gets home cuz she's working late to make up some hours at work. But I can just picture it. :P

That's about all I haveta say. :D I can't wait for my dad to pick me up for the weekend! :D And this is random...but I'm gonna be getting some new Bakugan this weekend. :D :P I'm planning on getting some Bakugan Traps cuz I don't have too many of those. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25