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I Just Wanna Talk About My Day In This Blog... :P

Yeah...that's pretty much the only thing that I wanna do in this blog is talk about my day. :P So uh...I doubt anyone really cares but my day was pretty good. So...I got to get a decent amount of sleep again which I liked. After a few hours my dad's girlfriend came to visit (No...he's not cheating on my mom or anything...he and my mom divorced a few years ago.) and I got to meet her and her mom. We talked for a while and had dinner and it all went pretty good if you ask me. It was kinda wierd but my dad's girlfriend, named Maria, is really into music and she knows Italian, Greek, Latin, and Engilsh (obviously). I thought that that was kinda cool...I don't know anyone outside of my school that's into classical instrumental music and knows Latin and Italian aside from her. And she is Greek and does go to visit her relatives in Greece sometimes and I thought that that was wicked cool...I mean...I've only learned about Greece through translations of the Publius and Furianus stories in Latin class. was just AWETHUM if you ask me. :D After a while my dad drove them home and I just kinda came along for the ride because I love riding in cars (don't ask why...cuz I dunno why I do either. :P ) and I wanted to see where they live. So then they went inside and let us see their place and it was AWETHUM. I wasn't this big fancy place but I thought it seemed very nice. And they have this bird called Emma, who's a conjure, and I got to see her and she had a gray head and on the rest of her body were red, green, and blue feathers. Anyways...Maria let me try to hold the bird and I think Emma actually liked me because she stood right on my hand...and apparently she doesn't do that with most people. I dunno why but animals always seem to like me for some reason. :P I kinda like it. :P And it seems like most animals hate my mom. :P Anyways...after that ordeal the rest of my day's been unproductive. I'm not going back to my mom's place today because I get to stay at my dad's place until Monday afternoon cuz of Memorial Day Weekend. :D I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself with the rest of today... :P Ah...I'll probably take a nap and practice the flute. I might go to the park... :twisted: :P But I depends on what I feel like doing with myself. :P

Oh...and this is random but my Nana is gonna be getting a kitten soon that's black and has a white stomach and white paws and she's gonna name it Oreo. :P I can't wait to see it...I love seeing animals...especially baby animals. I dunno why though...I'm just a sucker for baby animals and I can't help it. :P And it seems like I don't just like seems like most animals actually like me back for some reason...and I don't do anything special either...maybe I just give off good vibes or something. :P I have no idea why animals hate some people and love others...but I'm glad that I'm on the good side of the spectrum. :P Anyways...I can't wait to see that kitten and I bet it's so cute.

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry for annoying you with all of this stupid random crap. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25