...I hope everyone on this site had an AWETHUM Thanksgiving!!! :D It's a day late...I was gonna make a blog yesterday...but I got home at around 9 and then I just went into my bedroom and fell asleep...I was gonna make a blog when I got home...but I was tired by that time. :P Sorry about that...hehe. :P Anyways...my Thanksgiving was pretty good...nothing too crazy happened...for once. :P I mean...my family went to my great grandmother's house at around noon and me and my little brother just wnet downstairs to play some card game and stuff for a while...just to get away from the snobby adults upstairs (mainly because they're snobs but also because most of them were smoking cigarettes...which I can not stand). Then at around 1 my older cousin (You remember...one of the very few AWETHUM older females in my family... :P ) came over and then we were just talking to each other for a while and we had a pretty good conversation...I won't say what we talked about though...mainly because it was more personal stuff. :P Then more of our family members came over...so my two little cousins came downstairs and then we were playing for a while...mainly card games and Bakugan battles and then some occasional roughhousing...which I honestly don't mind...I enjoy stuff like that...as long as it's not with malicious intent and no one gets hurt...which is why I can't stand bullies. :P Then after that me and my older cousin planned a prank to play on her mom (cuz we epicly pranked my mom last time we did something like this...it's always a prank on one of our parents or an epic prank war... :P )...but...it didn't work for some odd reason which was rather disappointing...my pranks ALWAYS work!!! :twisted: :P But...I dunno...it could've just been bad luck...or maybe I've lost my evil-ness...but I think it was just a bad day. :P I'd NEVER lose my evil-ness! :twisted: :P After that epic fail it was time for dinner which was very good. :D I'd describe it but I don't wanna think about food for a month... :P Then I decided to play a few songs on my flute for everyone which was good...everyone liked it...they better...I'm an AWETHUM flute player and a lot of peoples hate me for being a tomboy and the flute is one of the few girly things that I do...but even then...I don't consider playing the flute girly...I enjoy it so it can't be. :P Then I just went upstairs to watch some of the football game on TV and to play with my nana's cat, Oreo. He got a lot bigger since the 4th of July...and he enjoyed playing with me for some odd reason. :P I dunno why but animals have always loved me...I dunno why...maybe it's just that I like animals and they can sense that or something but I just find that rather odd...I guess animals know who's really a good person and who isn't...most animals hate my mom. :lol: :P Then I just played some card games with a few of my cousins and then my older cousin wanted to get on my nerves because of the flute concert thingy (you can probably guess what she said. :P )...but by that time it was about 8 and time for me to go so I said I'd make her pay for that on Christmas. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P I dunno what I'll do...but don't worry...I'll think of something...I haveta do something epicly evil to anyone who calls me a stereotypical flute player!!! :twisted: :P Then we went home and I got there and unpacked my stuff at around 9 and then I went to bed. :P It was a pretty good day overall. :D
Now I really really REALLY wish my older cousin was at my house today!!! A few snobby relatives on my mom's side of the family are coming over and one of them just had twins and I can't stand hearing babies cry and I can't stand snobby peoples! And I'm sure you're thinking: "You have a younger brother...you should be used to it." Well...my little brother was actually a very quiet baby...thank God too! :P But...since I know that if I'm around them for more than five minutes I'll probably be ready to kill myself...I'm gonna spend that time in my room reading some comics and working on an ultimate Sub-Terra Bakugan deck and blasting my iPod so I don't haveta hear anything. :P So...my day's gonna be enjoyable until about 2 when they come over...then I'm gonna go in my room for a while and then my dad's coming to pick up me and my little brother at around 5 or 6. :D Other than that nothing too special's going on today so I don't have much else to say. :P
But before I end this blog I just wanna say why I don't like snobby peoples. Well...it's probably obvious but I mean...they're just so uptight and boring and never wanna have any fun or do anything interesting or exciting and I mean...you only get to live once...why wouldn't you wanna make the most of it and have some fun and throw caution to the wind every once in a while...? And I'm serious about this. It just annoys me that they thing they're above having fun and think it's childish and immature. And in my opinion they're just throwing their lives away...because pretty much no one in my entire family really is successful...so the least you can do is live life to the fullest...which they refuse to do. I mean...I would hate to grow up and look back and regret the fact that I never enjoyed myself or had any fun being a kid...that would be very sad in my opinion. And I'm not sure if I'm saying this and have this viewpoint just because of the way that I am...or maybe it has something to do with the fact that I enjoy myself every day...or maybe it has something to do with the fact that I wasn't technically supposed to be born...but I personally feel this way...no one else has to agree with me...but I just felt like mentioning why I felt that way about most of my family members who are very uptight and snobby. And they're also very annoying and hate me and I'll never ever get along with them. :P There's a bunch of other things like this that I can't stand either...but I won't get into that...I could go on and on about this kinda stuff all day...but I don't feel like typing all day long. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P One thing that I'm really glad about is that I wasn't born a long time ago when women had almost no rights...I probably woulda been driven mentally insane by this point...I actually had a dream about that a few nights ago and it was very scary and I hated it. :P That's about it...arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)