Okay...I know that this a day late but I hope that you all had an AWETHUM Fourth Of July!!! :D I would say I hope that you all had a Happy Fourth Of July but ah...that's boring...everyone says that...besides...that's how Bessie from The Mighty B! would say that. :P Anyways...I hope you enjoyed your Fourth Of July and I have an excuse as to why I didn't make this blog yesterday. :P
Okay...this is an excuse but it is true so uh...if anyone that happens to read this blog is a bully who wished to beat me up, a wizard, a zombie, or a member of the Mafia (yeah...now I'm starting to get somewhat paranoid of this as well...but ah...this paranoia isn't as bad for me as it would be for some people because I'm about half Italian...and that part is Sicilian and from what I know people from actual Italy aren't too fond of people from Sicily. :P And even then...it's stil irrational I guess but ah...who cares?! :P ) or even has connections with the Mafia...PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!! :P And for that matter...don't make my life miserable in any way, shape, or form. :P But...I don't think anyone falls under any of those catagories of things that I'm paranoid of. :P Anyways...I didn't make this blog yesterday because I spent my Fourth Of July with the rest of my family members on my mom's side of the family at my great-grandmother's house and we didn't finish up everything that we were doing and go home until about midnight...hehe. :P So uh...there's your excuse. :P Anyways...now...excuses aside...I should start talking about what the heck I actually spent my day doing, huh? :P And if you answered "no"...ah...that's your problem...you're in my world now so you're still gonna haveta read this. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P
Anyways...so yesterday in the morning ar around 10 me and my little brother packed up our stuff and my dad dropped us off at my mom's place. Then we got some stuff that we wanted to take with us to my great-grandmother's place for when we went there. So then at around 11 my nana came and gave us a ride there which only takes about 20 to 30 minutes because we're only going to Winthrop (which isn't far from East Boston at all in case you're wondering. :P ) So when we got there some of my family members were there but not all of them yet...and my older cousin (who I planned to do something stupid with later. :P ) still wasn't there either. So in the meantime I just did some stuff...I kinda alternated between a bunch of things...like I do whenever I go over my great-grandmother's place because I get bored after doing the same thing for too long of a time. :P So while I waited for my older cousin to show up I greeted any of my family members who finally showed up, I played some card games with a few of my younger cousins and my little brother, I tried solving my Rubic's Cube that I brought with me (and TRUST ME...I may be smart but the best I can do is get two or three sides...after that if I go for a fourth one...I just screw up everything. :P ), went out in the backyard to play soccer and catch and that sorta stuff with my little brother, got into a few intellectual conversations with some of the smarter adults about random stuff because the conversation always switched topics, etc... (You know...just stuff that any normal kid would do at a family get-together. ) Then finally my older cousin showed up at around 3. I was waiting for her to show up for hours but then when she finally showed up...a lot of nervousness just kinda hit me...kinda like on the day when you have Declamation and you're not nervous at all until it's like two minutes before your turn. :P But in a few seconds it just kinda went away...I'm not one to get too nervous about anything for the most part anyways. :P Anyways...so while she greeted everyone there (except me because I wasn't inside like pretty much everyone else...I was outside being evil and I took the hose in the backyard to use the water to spray this pretty big area in the backyard that no one uses that my nana used to use to plant stuff but hasn't bothered with for a while now...so...basically...I wasn't inside...I was outside being evil and making mud. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P ) and then I bet she realized that she hadn't seen me yet and that I was up to something stupid. :P So then she went outside while I was still in the middle of my evil shenanigans (shenanigans...haha...that's a funny word. :P ) and of course she couldn't just say hello to me normally like everything was fine and dandy...we just kinda started trash-talking each other (TRUST ME...I might be a wimpy nerd but I know how to trash-talk and I'm darn good at it too! :twisted: :P ) and then she said that we'd mud wrestle each other in a few minutes...she just wanted to settle in for a few minutes. So in that time I left the hose running and I went downstairs and took off my glasses and put them away in their case and I took off my sneakers as well. By the time I got back outside my older cousin was there and apparently she shut off the hose (she probably thought that I was an idiot for leaving it on...but ah...I don't care. :P ) and then...FINALLY...we got to mud wrestle each other! :lol: :P I know that my older cousin was going easy on me because is she wasn't I probably wouldn't be online right now and typing this blog...and for that matter...I'd probably be in the hospital in a full-body cast. :lol: :P Anyways...she was going easy on me but come on...I'm just a nerd...it was still pretty darn hard just to not get pinned down in like two seconds. :lol: :P But anyways...I think I did okay even though that sorta stuff isn't my forte and I didn't even care about that...it was just a fun way to play in the mud. :P So after about 30 minutes (We took a couple breaks every few minutes) we were done with that...and completely filthy and covered in mud for that matter...so then we went inside. :P This part would be the interesting one! :lol: :P So...only a few adults actually saw us when we went inside and when my mom saw us...she surprisingly just kinda laughed a little bit to herself and then she told us to go clean up. So since there are two bathrooms at my great-grandmother's place (we brought a few spare changes of clothes with us by the way) we just each went into one of them and took a bath and got changed and that was that. A little while after that the food from the barbecue (that one of my uncles was cooking) was ready and we all had some food and then at around 8 we started doing some sparklers and stuff like that in the backyard before we went to watch the fireworks. After that we went to watch the fireworks and they were AWETHUM...as they are every year! :D So uh...after that we just kinda relaxed for a while and I got to play with my nana's new kitten, Oreo, who by the way is ridiculously cute and is to energetic and loves to play. :D (Yeah...I'm an absolute sucker for baby animals. :P ) And then at around 11 me and a few of my family members came to watch another one of my uncles light some of his own fireworks on the beach...which uh...hehe...is technically illegal in MA. :P Hehe...this is kinda awkward. :P Anyways...those were pretty cool to watch as well. :D And uh...after that we finally went home at around midnight and that was that.
So uh...yeah...that's pretty much all I haveta say about yesterday. One other thing that I wanted to mention is that I found out something about my mom yesterday through one of the adult conversations that I was just kinda half-listening to while trying to solve my Rubic's Cube. So...I found out that my mom was a tom-boy when she was little up until she was about my age. It was SO SHOCKING to me because I never woulda guessed that but I guess it must be true because no one had a different version of that story. And my mom didn't try to end the conversation either and was actually kinda laughing...probably because she didn't think that I was listening. :P So...I dunno how I feel about this...it's just kinda strange...I think that some time soon...maybe this week...I'm gonna take a break for a few days on this site to clear my head about this and ask my mom some questions about this. Because if she's a tom-boy I wanna know why she changed...and if she really is a tom-boy then maybe...maybe I could find a way to bring out that tom-boy side to her because I can seem to do that with anyone if they have a tom-boy side to them. So...I have some thinking to do about this...but I'll tell you when I plan to take my break from this site.
Anyways...my day's been pretty good and unproductive so far today. :P The only real productive thing that I did was read more of "On Fortune's Wheel" and I'm almost done with it. Nothing really that special. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry that it's so long and I'm probably annoying all of you so much right now. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25