Yeah...I might have a snow day tomorrow but I'm not sure yet so I'm just gonna say that there's the possibility that I might. :P I really hope so cuz I could use a day to unwind and do nothing on the week before February break. :D :P I hope so and I'm gonna watch the news so see the school cancellations later. If it is a snow day I'm probably gonna post snow day in all caps in a comment in this blog. :P Anyways...I'm bored so I'm gonna type about my day for a while. :P
My day was pretty good and normal. I didn't have any wierd dreams last night that I can recall either. :P Today was Day 1 at my school so I had music sectionals anda sixth period study which was pretty good. :D All the stuff that we're learning in school right now is really me anyways. :P In math we're learning how to factor the difference of squares which is extremely easy in my opinion. In ELA we're reading short stories this month and we recently read the short story "Contents Of A Dead Man's Pockets" which I hated but I read and got a 100 on the Reading Check so I don't care. :P In History we're learning about the Americans establishing a republic and revising the Articles on Confereration after they won independence. In Italian...well...the class is just a complete joke and I don't care the least bit about it and no one else does. I just do my homework and pay attention in class...sometimes...hehe, and I get A's on all the tests. :P Yeah...I'm that smart...or the class is just that easy...I dunno. :P And in Latin we're translating a story and learning about how to form the present active and passive subjunctive which is really easy. And in Music we're learning about syncopation at the moment and it's really easy actually, just a different rhythm that sounds cool. :P And that's about it for what I'm learning at school for the moment. :P Oh, and I had no homework tonight either cuz I either did it all in advance or in a study. :D
One thing that was sorta interesting about today is that I apparently have another person at my school who doesn't like me now. I don't care cuz I never liked that person or talked to him anyways. :P But it's apparently cuz that person found out that I'm friends with another person who is enemies with that person. :P Ah...I don't care at all really. He's not the kinda person that'll bother me anyways. It's just gonna be one of those sorta "I hate you, you hate me, let's not bother each other and never speak with each other again" sorta thing. :P
One thing that was sucky about today was that when I got home since my mom got home early from work today she was already home. And...I had no homework tonight and it's actually really nice and sorta warm outside so I wanted to go outside and do something...I refuse to say what though. :P mom refused to let me leave the house to do something cuz she thinks lately that I've been acting "ridiculously immature and not like a proper young lady" and blah blah blah... :P I don't care if I'm immature cuz well...I feel that when it comes to my school-work I act mature but still...I'm only 14 and I need to tone down the maturity level down sometimes...mainly to zero at home and when I'm with my friends. :P I just hate it cuz I feel like I'm stuck inside and my mom won't even let my go on the porch to read some comic books or anything at all. I guess I'll just haveta put off my evil schemes for another day. :twisted: :P I'm probably gonna just play video games for the rest of my day...well...that and hope for a snow day. :P
That's all I haveta say. :P And feel free to throw me in a mud puddle cuz when you do and my mom comes home and I get in trouble I can blambe you. :P Kidding...haha, you can't do anything to me on this site...Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P Bye bye...and you're not welcome to do anything to me at the moment or I'll get my Ventus Altair to attack you! :P -MightyBFan25