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I Probably Shoulda Typed This Blog Yesterday... :P

Yeah...I probably shoulda typed this blog yesterday. :P But ah...I didn't really feel like it...I was too busy doing nothing. :P So anyways...I just wanna talk about what's been going on in the last few days and if you actually care you can read it and if not...don't really bother because all you'll be doing is absent-reading it and then you'll be complaining about how long it is. :P

Well...First of all...before I get to my life I just wanna say that soon Massachusetts is gonna become stupid (as if it hasn't already. :P ). I forget where I heard this (probably in the Sunday paper) but it was from a reliable source and they said that in MA (by the way...I live in MA. :P Ugh! Why me?! :P ) the standards for education are gonna be lowered and the MCAS is gonna be made even easier and blah blah blah. So I mean...I just think that this is stupid and I wanna go on such an angry rant about this. I mean...come on...why do smarticle peoples need to suffer because of the morons who can't add and subtract in the third grade?! I mean seriously...if there are stupid peoples...they should get put in a special class with other stupid peoples so they don't hold the smarticle peoples back! Ugh...I hate the idea of this. Before this turns into an angry rant I'm gonna end this right now. I'm just glad that I go to BLS and everyone there is smarticle and I won't be held back and become stupid like everyone else in MA is soon gonna. :P And at least now the MCAS will be even more of a joke. :P I just find it stupid that our president won't do anything about this from what I've heard. I mean...this is probably more of a states' rights thing but come on...does he WANT America to become stupid?! I know that eventually it will (as if it hasn't already. :P ) and this stupidity of lowering educational standards will spread to all of the other states and then America will be full of morons and then we'll get bombed by some random country and we'll all die. :P You know...I'm done with this state...when I grow up I'm leaving MA...I'm tempted to say that I'll leave this country and never come back. :P But ah...enough of this...maybe this is all a lie that the government came up with. :P Sorry for talking about all this junk. :P

Anyways...I did really get it on Saturday. :P When my dad and little brother came back earlier that morning...uh...hehe...well...I got what I deserved for the epic prank. :lol: :P After I got a pie slammed in my face...of course I had to take a bath though. :P Luckily since I was at my dad's place I could kinda slack off with my bath a little...and put it off for a while. :P Other than that nothing special really happened on Saturday. :P Except I got beat with a shovel but a certain person who shall not be named. :P

On Sunday I came back to my mom's place and day was kinda unproductive and boring. But when I came back to my mom's place I unpacked my stuff...messed up my room again...and basically reversed everything that I did during my epic prank. And I took up on my mom's bribe. Apparently now my mom's gonna ease up on some of her stupid annoying rules...I doubt it but it's worth a shot. Anyways...a little while later, at around 6 my mom's stupid friends came over for coffee or whatever. I was in the room with them but I wasn't bothering with them...I was just playing some video games on my Nintendo DS and half-listening to what they were saying. You know...whenever they came over I never listened to any of their conversations...I either went in my room or went outside to do something stupid. :P Then while they were talking about something one of my mom's friends asked my mom if she knows if I'm gonna be gay when I grow up because I'm a tom-boy. You know...they've mentioned this before to be jerks and I've just ignored it but I was sick of putting up with them or ignoring one of you said...I should stand up for myself. :twisted: :P So of course then I stopped playing my game and I had something to say about that. :twisted: :P And of course I wanted tomess with them (because they think it's the end of the world if someone's gay To be's not. They really need to wake up. But of course...they won't. :P ) and I was playing along with that and eventually they seemed really freaked out. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P After that they stopped with that (they probably actually think that I'm gay :P Haha! I'm too young to know that. :P And just cuz I'm a tom-boy doesn't mean crap. :P ) and my mom was like: "That's it! Gosomewhere else!" (probably didn't want me to torture them anymore. :P) andthen I left the room...but I was still listening in on their conversation and it seemed like after that they were making fun of my mom cuz of me. You that point I just had enough of them. I mean...I hate my mom but come on! They can't treat her badly just cuz of me! So then I asked my mom to make me some coffee so she'd be busy for a while and not notice what I planned to do next. :twisted: :P So while my mom was making me some coffee (which I honestly didn't want. :P Too much caffine makes me even more crazy than I already am I honestly don't need that. :lol: :P ) I asked one of my mom's friends (the one who seemed to control most of the conversations and who was the "leader".) to come outside with my for a sec and she unwillingly did after a little persuading. So while she was outside and complaining and wanting to kill me I climbed up kinda high up a tree in my mom's backyard and she wanted to kill me and wanted me to come down, obviously. :P So...then I said that I wouldn't come down until she promised to actually be nice to my mom and stop picking on her. (TRUST ME...I hate my mom but she needed to learn to be nicer and stop being a bully and she did that because of me so I felt that I owed my mom something. I still hate her though. :P ) She at first refused to do anything for me so then I was saying how I might fall and then it'd me all her fault because I'd get hurt because I didn't come down cuz of her. Eventually she agreed and I climbed back down. (Glad that worked. :P By the way...I'm pretty good at climbing trees. :P I used to do that when I was little WAY more but ah...I still have my mad tree-climbing skills. :P ) Then I went inside and it seemed like she and everyone else was a little nicer to my mom. I still don't know why she's friends with them though. :P Then my mom gave me that coffee that I asked for and I just left the room and dumped it in the bathroom sink. :P Then after that I went to go play in the mud in the backyard and then I took a bath a little while later. :P You know...I don't think that my mom even noticed what I did...but I didn't want her that at least worked out. :P A little while later I went to bed and that was that. :P

Yesterday I didn't do anything too special. :P It was kinda boring and unproductive. :P I don't have much to really say about it. :P

Today's been the same for the most part. :P For the rest of the day I'm probably just gonna do unproductive things, practice the flute, and I might go outside to play in the mud. :P I might not though because I don't feel like going outside today...I'm in a lazy mood. :P Probably because I didn't get that much sleep last night. :P Ah well. I don't have anything to really say about today. :P

I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog so I guess I can just end it now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

EDIT: Okay...I just wanna say one more random thing. :P I was just randomly looking around this site for a while cuz I was bored and then I clicked the word "Forums" underneath "" and they had all this random crap( :P ) but then off to the side the page listed the top 5 most popular boards or something like that and The Mighty B! was ranked #4! :D Now...I have no idea if this seriously is true...but I think it is and I honestly don't believe that because there's only like 7 of us (including myself) that have gone on The Mighty B! forums recently. :P But ah...maybe it is true and if it is...that'd make be wicked happy. :D :P Actually...maybe it is true...we actually do have a fair amount of activity all the time on the forums. :P know what...true or not I've actually seen that before and that makes me happy so that just made my day. :D Just wondering but do any of you actually believe that? :P Anyways...maybe some Weekly Mighty B! Discussion sometime in the near future will be some sorta forum party to celebrate that. :D You's kinda cool...what we've actually accomplished on the forums. And it's really cool especially to be because when I first made an account on impulse for this site all The Mighty B! forums' most recent posts were from months ago and as I kept going on more and more people came and more forums were made and's not an epic wicked popular thing...but it's WAY AWETHUMER than it was when I first came on! :D And I've gotten to see it all happen. :D Well...anyways...enough of this before I begin to sound all sappy and emotional. :P Vale...interum. (Which basically means "farewell...again" in Latin. :P ) -MightyBFan25