Okay...I'll just explain the title right now. :P So...remember me mentioning that I took the National Latin Exam (NLE) a LONG time ago? Well...if you don't remember...I did. :P And we FINALLY got our results back today and awards and certificates and all that sorta stuff today in Latin class. It was AWETHUM! :D So...there were 5 rankings for the NLE this year (four technically but I'm counting another one that shouldn't really count cuz I can. :P ) and those 5 rankings were: Sine Laude (which you only got if you didn't take the NLE), Cum Laude (which you were pretty much automatically guaranteed to get if you just took the test and you got awhite certificate), Magna Cum Laude (which is a step above Cum Laude and you got for doing pretty good and you got a green certificate), Maxima Cum Laude (which is another step above Magna Cum Laude and you got a silver medal if you got this rank along with a silver certificate) and finally...Summa Cum Laude (which you haveta be pretty much a Latin genius to get cuz you needed a pretty high score and if you got this you got a gold medal and a gold certificate and this is the best you could do). And...guess what? I got Summa Cum Laude on the NLE!!!!! :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D Yeah...I is SO smarticle! :P And as Mr. Chavero (my Latin teacher) handed out the awards to everyone...everyone clapped and cheered and stuff...and it seemed like when my name was called everyone cheered louder than normal...probably because I'm not like an A+ Latin student...I'm like a B or B+ student in Latin. And while everyone was clapping and stuff some people were kinda laughing a little and it's because I got Summa Cum Laude and if you knew my last name you'd laugh too. :P If you wanna know my last name you can just ask me in a PM but I'm not gonna type it in this blog. Anyways...it was just AWETHUM and I hung my certificate on my bedroom wall and I'm still wearing the gold medal. And by the way...I did better on the NLE than anyone in my class...I got a 36 out of 40 and the two other people that got Summa Cum Laude in my class only got 35's out of 40. Yeah...I'm AWETHUM. :D :P Anyways...it was just AWETHUM!!! :D
Now to talk about the rest of my day... :P So...I had three studies today and all my normal classes aside from Italian. The reason was because it was Senior Sign-Out Day at BLS so all the seniors who graduated had to sign out of all their classes so we had extended homeroom that lasted for all of R1 so it was pretty much a study. The rest of my day was pretty normal...nothing really wierd of crazy or stupid happened and I have no homework. Although...I have something special that I need to do to try to persuade a certain wizard to do something evil...he he he! :twisted: :P And I also wanna read some of "Rocket Boys" tonight...which will be the second Summer Reading book that I'll read...I already read one and took notes to study from for the test next year and so I can type my reports easily eventually...and I'm not even on Summer Break yet. :D :P And uh...that's about it. :P Then my dad came to pick me up and now I'm at his place typing a blog... :P Oh...and I just wanna say that last night I had a wierd dream where there was this huge world-wide famine and it was the end of the world and the two horsemen from the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse came and those two were Famine and Death...kinda wierd if you ask me. :P I dunno why though...that makes two dreams that I've had this year where it's been the end of the world...the other being that one with the swarm of bugs and zombies and Satan. :P
Uh...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I think I'm gonna go to the park later...he he he! :twisted: :P Either that or I'll be a good little dork and read my book...but ha...like that'll happen! :lol: :P Bye! -MightyBFan25