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I Shoulda Made This Blog Yesterday But I Was Busy Doing Nothing... :P

I'll get to the title in a little while. :P But before I do I just wanna remind you that you can still comment on my Ask Me Whatever The Heck You Wanna just need to go to my profile page and it'll be under Most Recent Blogs or something like that so don't worry if you still have stuff to ask long as it is NOT help with your math homework!!! :P And when I get to blog'll be my second blog party on this site so be sure to come to that. :D Uh...that's all I haveta remind you about. :P Now let's get on with my life. :P

It's been a little while since I really talked about how I've been so I'll tell you how the rest of my week at school was. :P I told you about how Wednesday was so I'll just start with Thursday. :P My second day back was pretty good...I was a little tired but I enjoyed my day. :D Nothing special really happened but I love my sixth period study on Day 2 because almost all my friends who I had studies with last year were in it which is AWETHUM because I don't have any classes with most of them and the only other time I can see them is after school and at lunch. I just hated getting home and doing homework for about four hours. I's the second day of school...that's stupid. :P Oh well. :P Friday was pretty good as well. Nothing special happened then either...except in Math...Mr. McQuade let us play games and stuff with some of our friends for about 15 minutes which was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I just hated doing homework for SIX HOURS when I got home but ah...not a big deal. :P This is what I meant by the way when I said BLS is ridiculously hard. :P And I HATE HATE HATE my study with Ms. Miller! She's a jerk! We have assigned seats and we can't talk! Ugh! It's so stupid! But my first few days back were overall pretty good and I enjoyed them. :D I already know that I'm gonna love Biology, Math, and Latin. :D But I KNOW that I'm probably gonna HATE English because Mr. Hanley's so stupid and all over the place and we don't even talk about the book in class which I hate. Ms. Wenz was WAY better...I wish I had her again... And Italian and History are gonna be hard but I dunno...I'll probably be kinda indifferent to them. :P And now I'll get on with my weekend. :P

Yesterday I was still tired from school so I just kinda stayed inside all day and did nothing productive. :P And I took a nap for like three hours. :P So...nothing special. :P But today I actually did something besides school work. :D :P Me, my dad, and my little brother went apple picking earlier today which was really fun. :D I enjoyed that a lot. We must have like a bajillion apples. :P Later today I'm probably gonna stay inside and watch some of the football games on TV. By the way...just because I'm from New England doesn't mean I like the Patriots. :P To be honest...I seriously don't like them. :P They're like the New York Yankees of football and they're not even good so it's like you're being hated for being a fan of them and it's not even worth it! :P I like the Bengals, Falcons, Chargers, Titans, and Saints WAY better. Yeah...I like a bunch of random teams...I dunno why though. :P Anyways...aside from that I might take a nap...I might go outside and play in the mud...I might go climb a tree in the backyard...I depends on what I wanna do. :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Now that I think about it...I probably should go play in the mud later...I haven't for a few days... :P brain needs a rest. :P It seems like ever since I've been back at school (so...since Wednesday. :P ) mind's been like a little supercomputer again which is wierd but cool. :P That's why I love being so smarticle...I mean...I kinda feel like a freak but I don't's AWETHUM to be able to rattle off so much random information and feel like an absolute nerd again. :D :P But my mind needs a rest. :P Anyways...sorry this blog's kinda long. :P Arrivederla. Wait a sec...I'm not talking to like the Italian president or something! I don't needs to be that formal! :P What happened to Latin?! :P Kidding. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)