Okay...the title basically says it all. :P So far...all I've done since I've gotten home is done homework for about 4 hours and take a small break to have dinner. My teachers didn't assign us too much homework tonight but I wanna get ahead of things cuz that's just the kinda person I am (and I'm a nerd. :P ) so I did Latin translating and History Cornell Notes for about 4 hours. I thought that the work would take me longer, about five hours, but I guess I was just working at a quicker pace than I normally which is good. So...I'm really tired right now and sick of reading stuff but I'm typing this blog cuz I don't have anything else productive to do at the moment. :P So I'm gonna waste the last two hours of my day doing nothing productive so I can relax a little. :P The rest of my day was pretty good though and nothing stupid or crazy or wierd happened. It was just a normal Day 6 at my school so I had Band and a study. But when I got home...I was doing work for four hours. :P I shouldn't be complaining though...I wanted to do it to get ahead. :P That's about all I haveta say about today though. :P
The wierd thing about yesterday was that after I had my fun getting dirty at the park and I came back home...my mom wasn't as ticked off as I thought she would be. :? But...I guess that's a good thing. :P I didn't get punished at all except that I had to take a bath but well...that's kinda obvious and I needed to take one. :P And another thing that I wanna say about yesterday is that my mom's gonna quit the Italian lessons. She gave me no explanation why but I think she's sorta nervous about taking my first assessment that I made. :P It's honestly not hard at all but I guess it is when you're as stupid as she is. :P Ah well...I don't care too much. :P
I don't have much else to really say. :P I don't know how many blogs I have now but it's somewhere in the mid 90's and tomorrow I'm gonna invite all of you to my first blog party which will be whenever I get to 100 blogs...unless wizards destroy the world or evil kitty cats conjured up by a certain wizard (directed at Girlygirl24. :P ) come and destroy man-kind and then eat all the cotton-candy in the universe...but that shouldn't happen...hopefully. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who is now ready to take a nap because she's very tired from doing hour hours of work to get ahead... :P )