Yeah, the title is correct. :P I went to see the movie "Percy Jackson And The Olympians: The Lightning Thief" today with my dad and little brother. :D I thought that the movie was AWETHUM but I liked the book a little better than the movie. I dunno why but if I read the book and watch the movie for the same thing I tend to like the book better about 80% of time time. :P But both were AWETHUM!!! :D And now I wanna talk about the rest of my day. :P
The rest of my day was pretty good. :P I didn't do much else, just the usual when I have a day off: sleep, watch TV, go online, play video games. :P One thing that I wasted a few hours doing was playing this random flash game called Bill The Demon. :P I think I'll put the link for it at the end of this blog if anyone wants to play and see what the heck I wasted about two hours of my life doing. :P And another thing that I wanna say is that it's been snowing all day but none of it is sticking to the ground really so it isn't building up too much and now the snow-flakes are getting bigger which means that the snow-storm thingy is gonna be over soon so I doubt there's gonna be much snow where I live. :P I can't wait for it to be spring so it'll be warm again and I can go outside and do whatever legal things I wanna. :P I really just wanna go to the park and I haven't been able to for a while now. :P And that's about everything that I wanted to say about today. :P
Oh, and if you go on The Mighty B! forums frequently you should probably read this: I'm gonna send a PM to you if you go frequently on The Mighty B! forums or you used to go on the Mighty B! forums. It's just to ask you what you think about this plan that I have for the forums. It's basically to try to organize a day maybe once or twice a month where we all log on this site at the same time and discuss a Mighty B! hot-topic. But before I start to do anything and get ahead of myself, I'd like to know what everyone on the forums thinks. :) So...if you're interested in doing that and like the Mighty B!, I'm probably gonna send you a PM if I know that and you go on the forums, and if I forget or something, please feel free to PM me and if you have any questions, PM me. :) And uh...that's about it. :P
That's all I haveta really say. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25
Oh, and here's that link for the game Bill The Demon if you wanna play it: