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I Went To The Muesum Of Science Today! :D

Yeah, I went to the Muesum Of Science in Boston today with my dad and little brother and it was AWETHUM!!! :D The only sucky thing was that the planetarium was under a year-long renovation so it's closed for well...a year. :P So instead of seeing an Omni-Theatre show and a show at the Planetarium, we saw two shows at the Omni-Theatre there. I forget what they were called but one was about dinosaurs and the other was about Antarctica. I enjoyed watching both of them. :D And the rest of the time that we spent there, we were in the exhibit halls which was AWETHUM too cuz they have some new exhibits there and/or I just can't remember seeing them the last time I went there. :P So...we spent I think like 5 hours there in total and we took the train to get there and to come back. So my trip there was AWETHUM!!! :D

And the rest of my day has been unproductive just like every day this week aside from that one thing that I haveta to that day. :P All I've done since I've been home is get changed into my pajamas (don't ask why cuz I don't have an explanation, I just felt the urge to wear them cuz they're comfortable. :P ), watch TV, and go online. :P I'm probably gonna continue doing that for the remainder of my day. :P

I sorta miss school a little cuz I am a nerd (I'll probably be one of the first people to admit that :P ) and it usually occupies a lot of time in my day. :P About 9 hours (including transportation to and from school) to be more exact, and that's not counting homework either. So...yeah. :P Ah well...I wanted a break from school and that's exactly what I got so I should be happy I guess. Besides, I get to be away from my mom. :D :P

I doubt any of you care but I think I'm gonna get some new Bakugan this weekend. :D I'm not sure which ones exactly yet but I'm gonna start thinking about it. But...before I start sounding like a nerd and bore you to death (as if I haven't done both already :P ) I'm gonna end this small paragraph. :P

One thing that sucks is that I think I'm a little bit sick cuz of the shots I got at the doctor's. I've been a little stuffy and had a bit of a cough ever since Tuesday morning but I wasn't sure if it was a cold or it was something else. :P's nothing too bad so I don't really mind. Besides, it'll probably be over in a day or two. :D

And I did get some replies from some of the people that I sent PM's to so I think I'm gonna make that forum sometime either tonight or tomorrow. :D I hope we can do all that stuff with the time zones and pick a time, date, and topic for discussion on that forum and on that day and at that time we can discuss...well...the discussion topic. :D :P I hope this idea works but if it doesn't...well...I come up with a bunch of stupid ideas that don't work out but I don't think that this one is stupid. :P

And the last thing that I wanna say is that I went onto my old MightyBFan2500 profile page cuz I was bored and at the top of my profile page it said: Banned User - This user had been naughty. lol I was laughing when I saw that. :lol: :P I mean...even though it's supposed to be all serious cuz I got banned on that account...honestly...that doesn't seem serious...just funny. :P If you don't believe me check out my old MightyBFan2500 profile page.

That's about all I haveta say. :P I hope I didn't bore any of you or sound like more of a nerd than I usually do and if I did...ah, who cares?! :P Kidding. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25