Yeah...I shoulda made this blog about a week ago but I mean...come's the Summer...I have a right to be lazy. :P Anyways...I got my report card in the mail about a week ago but I was too lazy to bother making a blog and mention my grades. :P might be thinking that I shoulda got my report card on the last day of school but school's retarded with certain things. :P So...anyways...before I talk about my day I just haveta brag about my grades. :P First will be my fifth term grades and then my final, overall grades for the year.
Term grades:
Physical Education: A (Ah...I don't really care about this grade...I mean...come get an easy A just for actually participating because if we were graded on our preformances...well...we're all a bunch of nerds and we'd all fail. :P )
Conduct: A (Yeah...I managed to behave myself in class and pull off an A...surprisingly. :P I'm glad that I managed to do that and I didn't get on any of my teachers' nerves this year like I did last year. :P )
Band: A (I'm proud of this grade. I mean...I've gotten A's in band all year but still...Band is actually hard. Fun and relaxing but hard and time-consuming. And you know...all those hours of practicing paid off I guess. And I'm gonna be even better next year and I'm even practicing over the summer! So...look out Junior and all the other flute players are gonna be there bext year and I'm gonna be so wicked AWETHUM...more AWETHUM than anyone else who's played the flute for only two years! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :P )
ELA: A (This class was easy so I knew I was getting an A. :P But still...I'm proud of this grade as well. )
History: A (This grade is so AWETHUM!!!!! :D This is my best grade in History for the entire year! :D And I mean...I suck at History and I hate it and my grades were kinda all over the place in this subject all year but I'm glad I worked by butt off and I pulled this off. :D )
Latin: B (Darn it! This is the only grade that I was never satisfied with! I wanted an A so bad and this is the only subject that held be off of Approbation With Distinction. Well...either way...I'll take it...I know a lot of people failed Mr. Chavero's class and never even passed one of his test cuz they're Latin morons and lack love of the Latin language. :P )
Italian: A+ ( A+...but I'm not too proud of this class cuz I didn't even really try and Mr. Mummolo's class was the easiest class that I've taken in my two years at BLS. :P So...I'm glad I got it but I don't feel that I really earned it. :P )
Math: A- ('s still an A but's only an A- and I know that I coulda done better...I guess it went down a little though cuz I was trying to focus more on History and Latin. )
Now here's my overall grades for the year:
Physical Education: A
Declamation: A
Conduct: A
Band: A
History A-
Latin: B
Italian: A
Math: A
Not bad, huh? Especially considering that I'm going to a super-hard advanced school for nerds called Boston Latin School. :P ovreall GPA for the year not including Band, PE, Declamation, and Conduct (so only my five major subjects) was 3.74 which is about a 3.7 which is equivalent to an A- so my overall average for the year was an A-. Not bad, huh? :P Well...anyways...enough bragging before someone wants to kill me. :P I'll just get on with my day. :P
So uh...I haven't really done much today. I watched some TV, went online, practiced the flute, and then I was tinkering around with some of my Bakugan to find which attribute deck that I have is the most powerful and including traps and battle gear and gate/ability cards my Pyrus deck (surprisingly...I thought is was my Haos deck but I guess not. :P ) is the most powerful with a total power of 3,600 G's. AWETHUM, huh?! :D :P Well...for those of you who have no clue about Bakugan that's wicked powerful. :P Next time I get some Bakugan I'm gonna haveta focus on helping out my Aquos, Ventus, Darkus, and Sub-Terra decks. My Pyrus and Haos ones are in pretty good shape. :P So...anyways...I don't have much else to say about my day. :P The rest of my day's gonna probably be pretty unproductive. Now...I would go outside and do something stupid but ah...I'm really tired right now for some reason and I wanna take a nap when I'm done typing this blog. :P I do wanna mention something else about something but might think that I'm absolutely crazy or mentally insane so uh...if you wanna know you'll haveta ask me through a PM. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry about all the bragging about my grades and sorry that it's wicked long. :P Just be glad I haven't mentioned anything about some of the wierd dreams that I've been having lately involving The Mighty B! and peoples from my old school...cuz those dreams were long. :P Well...I guess I should end this blog now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25