Yeah...I'm back from my two-day break from this site. :D And I'm almost certain that some of you didn't even notice my absense. :P Anyways...hopefully for those of you who did notice that I was didn't miss me too much and I doubt you did...the site was probably much more pleasant while I was gone and you didn't haveta read any more of my ridiculously long blogs that consist of absolutely nothing useful. :P But seriously...if anyone seriously did miss me...I'm sorry about that. to talk about what I did during my two-day break from this site... :P
So...during my two-day break from didn't really do anything special. :P I mean...I did all five of my Summer Reading reports so all that's over and done with. I mean...I still need to return the books back to the library but I'll do that on Monday because the library in my neighbourhood is closed on the weekend. Anyways...other than that I practiced my flute, did a lot of thinking about some stuff (and I'll get into detail about that later on in this blog) and then I just kinda slept and watched TV. :P So it was productive at times but unproductive at others. The only thing that I've hated for the past few days is that I've had problems falling asleep...and that always seems to happen to me during the's like I have insomnia during the Summer. :lol: :P But's probably just because I haven't done anything lately that's made me ridiculously tired. I mean...and it's not my's my mind that needs to be ridiculously tired...and usually school takes care of that ever since I've been at BLS...the work is hard enough to just make you shut off your brain when your done with all your work and just sleep for the rest of the day...luckily for me my eigth grade year was wicked easy because I am in Band and I was in Sigma which happens to be the Band Cluster and it was the easiest of the three eigth grade clusters. Anyways...I got some work done and that's about it for productiveness. :P Nothing else special. :P
Now...during that time when I was doing a lot of thinking about some stuff to just clear it out of my head and put it to rest. During that time I did realize a few things about how my mind is probably working and what it's thinking while I do some of the stupid and crazy stuff that I normally would. I don't wanna explain it all though because ah...I don't care if anyone knows it but it would take a while and I don't wanna type up all that stuff and's my screwed up mind...who the heck wants to know about how it works anyways?! :P I mean...if you actually do wanna know what I'm thinking feel free to ask but I doubt you care. :P And when my mom came home from work during the past few days I cleaned up the house to the best of my abilities so that she would have some free time and I could ask her some questions to also figure out if my mom really was a tom-boy when she was a kid because that's what I was getting at after hearing some stories about her on the Fourth Of July when me and a few adults were in the basement and the adults were just kinda talking and ignoring me because I was just trying to solve my Rubic's Cube...but I was half-listening to the conversation...which is probably why I screwed up my yellow side while trying to get the red one. :P And I did find out that my mom was a tom-boy when she was a kid but then when she became a teenager...according to her ( I don't know for really reals if she was telling the truth...she's lied to me before about taking the flute when she went to school and she also lied to me before about being a straight A student...probably just jealous of me and my superior intellectual abilities. :P ) she just kinda stopped because she realized that she was growing up and maturing and that she just should act more mature and put being a tom-boy aside. I personally find that very stupid...but mom is stupid and it was her own stupid decision...not mine. :P I just hope that I don't eventually follow in her footsteps and do the same...I mean...I know that I can be mature and responsible when I want to...I do that with all my school-work...but I don't haveta be that way 24/7...once all your work is done you can just kinda relax and have fun. So...none of this has changed anything about me...I just know a little more about some stuff than I did a few days ago and I can put this all to rest so my mind can be more at ease. :D So...don't worry...I'm still the same MightyBFan25 that I was a few days ago. :P I don't get why you'd think that I'd ever change that though...I love my screwed up personality. :D :P
Now to get on with my day. :P's been pretty good and unproductive so far but I'm really ticked off about something. There's this house right near my dad's place and some stupid person who lives in it wants this tree cut down in her backyard for no apparent reason! I'm so ticked off about this because I can just imagine how many animals lived and nested in that tree and now it's gone. What's gonna happen to the animals living in that tree? I have no idea but it's nothing nice...I'm sure of that. And it's even worse now that I think about it because I'm more fond of birds than I was before after finding out that the flute is referred to as the "song bird instrument" because the flute sorta sounds like a bird singing so whenever I am saying something about birds now I don't call them birds...I call them flute birdies...don't ask why though. :P I'm just so ticked off though!!! The tree is almost finished being cut down and I can still hear that stupid saw cutting it down because it's right near out backyard! I can't stand this anymore! I'm not an environmental nutcase (although now you may think that) but this is just wrong! And they also had to cut down part of this pine tree in our backyard as well! I hate's so stupid! I wish I could do something about it but I can't and I feel so helpless!!! This is gonna get on my nerves for a while and I bet I'm gonna have some sorta nightmare involving this tonight! I was gonna go outside for a walk later but I'm not gonna now because I don't even wanna look at that cut down tree! I'm so ticked off about this and don't mention anything about it to me...I wanna try to forget about it and talking about it won't help me in any way! I'm sorry about this angry rant but I feel very strongly about this! The only thing that could make me more ticked off at the moment is if the park that I usually go to to play in the mud got destroyed to replace it with a parking lot. I'm sure that'll eventually happen as well! I'm's just that this is enough to put me in a pessimistic mood...I'm usually an optimist but today...I'm in a very bad, pessimistic mood.
I don't have much else to talk about in this blog. I still have a ton of stuff to add to that angry rant but I probably should say it online because I'd get in a ton of trouble. :P And by the way...the only reason that I don't have any sad emoticons in this blog is because I hate using sad makes me feel even more upset and I don't need that. Vale. -MightyBFan25