Sorry I haven't made a blog for a coulple of days but I've either had nothing to type about or I've just been too lazy to do anything. :P So...sorry 'bout that and sorry that this blog is gonna be kinda long but I wanna talk about what happened in the past few days. :P
On Wednesday I had a snow day so it was AWETHUM but I did virtually nothing and my day was wicked unproductive. :P All I did was sleep, watch TV, go online, and play Bakugan. :P So...I didn't have much to type about that day and I don't like making ridiculously short blogs cuz I'm just not used to writing to typing anything short so if I do, it just feels...wierd to me...but that's just my opinion. :P
On Thursday I was too lazy to do anything really cuz I had a lot of homework and after that I just wanted to sit on the couch and watch Survivor. :P My day at school was good though. I was doing homework for like 5 hours though. I just had to take a break every now and again cuz it gets boring just doing work for 5 hours straight. :P It was cuz I had to research something about Italian politics cuz we were gonna watch the film "Il Divo" the next day in class. And for ELA we haveta write a short story and it's due after February break but I don't wanna spend my break writing crap so I just did it that night and it was surprisingly AWETHUM!!! :D I dunno why but word choice has always been the one thing that makes writing papers a little challenging for me but this time, all the words just seemed to come to me the minute a thought came into my mind and it was just AWETHUM!!! :D Maybe I should write short stories for reals. :P And the rest of my day was normal aside from Health class. Instead of having an actual class we got to go to the gym and play whatever we wanted to and I was in the mood to play a trick on a few of my friends in my Health class. :P I pretended to start reading some random stuff from my History book when the asked me to play with them and I said no cuz we didn't haveta play if we didn't wanna (and TRUST ME, a lot of people didn't wanna. :P ) and after a few minutes I left to go play with my friends. I just felt like messing with their minds a little bit at that time. :P And all we did for the rest of the class was play basketball and when we got bored with that we threw around a football. :P And when I got home I watched Survivor and then I went to bed. :P
My day was AWETHUM today!!! :D All my teacher assigned us nihil (Latin word for nothing) for homework over the break!!!!! :D And I had two studies so I just goofed around with my friends in those studies and drew random pictures. :P All my classes were pretty normal and not hard today. And in Italian class we watched "Il Divo" and had candy and soda and stuff. :P And today we celebrated Valentines Day at my school. (Which is one of my least favorite holidays of the year. :P ) And my friends and me gave each other cards and candy and that kinda stuff cuz we're friends. I just asked my friends one thing: Don't send me any carnations cuz I don't want them and I don't need them. I did send my friends some cuz well...they're my friends but I personally don't want flowers. :P And guess what, they sent me carnations anyways. :P I don't really mind, I guess that's a good thing. :) And some of my friends put messages that came with the carnations that had random stuff like pictures of dinosaurs on them. :lol: :P But overall, AWETHUM day! :D
I'm just so glad now cuz I'm at my dad's place and it's officially February Vacation!!!!! :D We don't have too too many plans but we have a few. We're (we meaning me, my dad, and my little brother) are gonna see the movie the Lightning Thief, we're gonna go to the Muesum Of Science, we have some errands to do, I have my doctor's appointment (which I can't wait for. :P ) and a few other things that I'm too lazy to remember right now. :P But I know this break's gonna be AWETHUM and I can actually sleep, which is AWETHUM cuz during the week I haveta get up at 5:15 (not go get ready or anything like that, it's just that I live far away from BLS so it takes me a while to get there) so being able to sleep just can't imagine how AWETHUM that is unless you wake up at the time I do or earlier. :D I'm probably gonna keep updates with how my February vacation is throughout the week. :D
RANDOM QUESTION: I'm just curious and wanna be a bit of a pain but can you help me prove how stupid my mom is please. Okay, this morning I asked her is she knows how to factor trinomials and she had no clue what I was talking about. Well...just to prove her wrong, if you know how to, factor this please...if you wanna: x squared plus 10x plus 25. If you did it right the answer would be x plus 5 quantity squared if I'm not mistaken. Hope someone knows that. :P
And that's all I haveta say. Bye bye! -MightyBFan25