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I'm Quitting Troublemaking Forever...

Yeah...that's it for troublemaking from me forever. I'm hanging up my dirty, mud-stained clothes and putting away all my pranking equipment in a storage box at the back of my closet and I ripped up the list of future pranks that I had in mind. That's it! I'm never gonna troublemake again! I kept thinking about this and by the end of my thinking process...I made a T-Chart of all the pros and cons and the cons outweigh the pros. Troublemaking is now officially abolished from my life..........

YOU ALL BETTER READ THIS:....................Gotcha. :P If you actually believed that, no offense, but you really are dumb and please feel free to let me hit you over the head with something. :P Seriously, I'm not quitting troublemaking and I know that for a fact now. :D On my T-Chart...the pros weighed out the cons RIDICULOUSLY. :D And you know what though...even though some people disapprove of my troublemaking-ness and I might be questioned by peoples why I do it and people think I'm just crazy for doing's part of who I am and I will never change that for ANYONE ever! :D Besides, it's my life and I feel that I can do whatever I wanna with it as long as it's legal and there's nothing illegal about playing a few harmless pranks and getting dirty at the park now is there? :P Anyways, I'm not quitting troublemaking for a while at least. :D I mean...eventually I will need to grow up and be a little more mature...but why insist on speeding things up and not have any fun? I mean, I'm still a kid. And I know a few adults who are my family members that are mature when they need to be and any other time they're really fun and immature and AWETHUM and when I grow up...I definately wanna be like that. :D I'm just glad cuz I think I made the right decision and now that's off my mind. Of course...I'm not officially back to troublemaking yet though cuz I took a break from it and I haven't played a prank or anything yet today...but I'm back to that normal mind-set of mine at least. :P

Now that that matter is aside...I wanna talk about my day. It was pretty boring and nothing stupid or crazy or wierd happened really. I had no homework when I got home cuz I did a lot of things WAY in advance cuz I have no life and I had two studies. :P The weather's really nice now in MA in my opinion and I'm in a WAY better mood today. :D One thing that I'm really glad about is that January is almost over and my average in math as of right now is an A cuz I got a 96 and a 95 on two tests cuz I'm AWETHUM and cuz I'm a math geek. :P

One thing that made today AWETHUM though was that we played Jeopardy in ELA class with all the questions based around the book that we're reading, Farenheit 451. It was really fun. :D My team was actually behind for most of the game when the questions were only worth 10 to 50 punti (Italian word for points). :P the time the board of questions were cleared we were in dead last out of five teams. :P But then we did "Double Jeopardy" which was nothing like how it is in the show, and you got 1000 punti every time you got a question right and you could choose between either a quote from the book or defining a vocab word. By the time the bell rung and class was over, my team won and our reward for winning was a few extra credit punti on our test on Farenheit 451 this Friday which is AWETHUM!!! :D We had a grand total of 3110 punti by the end of the game. I actually got 1050 of them which is really good in my opinion, especially considering that there were 4 other people on my team. :D I did a 50 point question and got it right. Ms. Wenz actually thought my answer was wrong at first but it was right and she looked so shocked and said that she needs to brush up on her Farenheit 451 quotes. :lol: :P And the other one was a 1000 point question in Double Jeopardy that was also a quote and it was really easy and no one else in my group knew it. :D :P was fun. :D

One last thing that I wanna say is that one of my arch-enemies at my old school wants to friend me on Facebook and I don't wanna accept the request but if I don't...I'm gonna probably get it in CCD class next year even more so. :P I really didn't want anyone from my old school to know I had a Facebook cuz I never wanna talk any of them again really...except for my old friends, but none of them have a Facebook so I don't wanna see any of the people from my old school on Facebook. I dunno what I should do...but I do have some other people from my old school as my "friends" on Facebook cuz they didn't hate me too much. :P I use it mainly for talking to my friends at BLS and even then...I don't like Facebook too much so I only go on it once or twice a day. :P I think I'll just ignore the request though cuz if I accept it...I'm gonna probably get a bunch of stupid random mean crap posted on my wall by her. :P I don't need that. :P Yeah...I'm gonna hit ignore. :P Screw her!!! :twisted: :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P I'm gonna start troublemaking again tomorrow. :D And uh...sorry about scaring you with the title and first paragraph of this blog...I was just sorta tempted to I guess. :P make it up to you all...actually...ah...I'm not gonna give you anything...hehe. :P But feel free to do something to me if you wanna cuz whatever the heck it is...I'll probably deserve it. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25