It honestly did. :P But I guess that doesn't matter really. It was probably cuz I was doing Latin and History work, the two subjects I hate doing work in the most. :P I no other homework when I got home so I typed a history paper that I already did a rough draft of earlier today and I translated an entire Latin story. I didn't haveta do all this work tonight but I wanna get ahead like I normally tend to do and I don't wanna do all that work tomorrow or over the weekend. :P The rest of my day was pretty good and normal though. It was a Day 2 at my school so I had a study and Band which went okay...aside from the stupid trumpets constantly screwing up cuz they're idiots. :twisted: :P Ah well, nothing I can do about that I guess. :P That's about all I haveta say about today though.
The weather where I live right now sucks cuz it's been raining for two days straight so I can't go outside to really do anything which absolutely sucks. I hope it stops soon but the good thing is when it stops it'll be AWETHUM to go to the park again. :D :P I'm too lazy to torture my mom today though. :P If you think I'm crazy for not doing that today you can hit me over the head with something...but if I have my glasses on ( I wear glasses) you're gonna get it cuz you can't hit someone who wears glasses. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P That's about all I haveta say about that. :P
Now I have two reminders: Remember to come to my blog party whenI reach my 100th blog unless you're Satan or a wizard who plans to destroy the world or you just absolutely hate me cuz I'm a nerd. :P'll be AWETHUM if you come. :D This is my 96th blog right now so I'm getting there. :D And if you go on the Mighty B! forums remember: Our discussion will be this Saturday at 7 Eastern Standard Time. :D That's about all I haveta say. :P I've been really paranoid lately cuz I'm afraid that I'm gonna be attacked by a zombie cuz of my crazy dream. :lol: :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25