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It Still Doesn't Really Feel Like I'm On Summer Break... :P

Okay...I've been on Summer Break for about 53 hours as of right now but it still doesn't feel like I'm on Summer Break which is kinda wierd. :P I just wanted to say this and I hope that I get used to being away from all the stress of BLS soon so I can just relax and think about nothing for two months...or at least...after I finish my summer work...which shouldn't take too much longer because I'm almost done with a lot of it. :P Anyways...aside from the fact that it doesn't feel like I'm on Summer Break and it feels more like just a random week off from day's been AWETHUM so far! :D's really wierd for me because I usually haveta wake up at around 5:30 in the morning to get ready for and go to school...and now I can sleep until as late in the day as I mom won't even bother waking me up...she probably likes me sleeping until like 10 in the morning because it's less time that she has to put up with me. :P Anyways...I really like getting to sleep until 9 or 10 in the morning now...and I know that that doesn't seem that late but to's really late because I haveta wake up at like 5 in the morning during school-days. :P Anyways...aside from doing some Summer Reading my day's been really unproductive so far which is just AWETHUM! :D All I did today was go online, watch some TV, and uh...that's really about it. :P Then I continued reading some more of my forth Summer Reading book called "Cat's Eye" and I mean...the book's okay I guess...I don't like it but I don't hate it either...I'm just kinda indifferent to it and I'd give it a 5/10 if I had to ever rate it. But's my second day reading it and I'm already a little over half way done with it. The only reason is because I just wanna get it over and done with because the book's just dragging on and on and it's getting annoying now because it's just the same sorta thing and the main character, Elaine Risley, is really annoying and I just hate the way that she's acting within the novel for the most part. If you wanna know why feel free to ask...but I'm not gonna go out of my way and type it all out if no one even cares. :P And uh...yeah...that's pretty much how I've spent my day so far. :P

I think that later today I'm gonna take a nap...actually...yeah...I'm probably gonna do that when I'm done with typing this blog. :P And it's really nice outside's not wicked hot like it is usually during the summer so I think I'm gonna go into the backyard and play in that mud pit that I still have in the backyard at my mom's place. :P He he he! :twisted: :P I can't wait to do that! :P And after that I have absolutely no clue what I'm gonna do with myself. :P Isn't that just great?! :P Wait...well...actually I'm probably gonna finish up this game of Monopoly that I was having with my mom yesterday. By the way...I have both commodities, two railroads, two monopolies, and I'mthree properties away from three more monopolies. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm so gonna kill my mom in this game! :twisted: :P And uh...that's about all I plan to do with the rest of my day. :P Then I might just read a little bit more of "Cat's Eye" and then I'll probably just go to bed. :P

You know what...I completely forgot about something but when I found out that this Sunday is the Fourth Of July I remembered it. So...I remember that on Mother's Day my AWETHUM older cousin was there and we got into this epic prank war and then I remember that I jokingly said that I'd mud wrestle her (I have no clue why I had the urge at the time to do that so don't ask. :P ) and then my cousin said that she would but it would be on the Fourth Of July because that would be the next time that we'd see each other. So...hehe...I guess I'm gonna be mud wrestling my older cousin this Sunday. :P But to be honest it's not a big deal and I'll be fine...she's my cousin...she wouldn't completely obliterate me...she'd just obliterate me. :P Kidding...she seriously won't do that. :P Anyways...I'll obviously haveta take off my glasses but I can see just fine without my glasses because I have an astigmatism and I only need my glasses because I get headaches when I'm straining my eyes from watching TV or reading for several hours...which I won't be doing. :P And another thing is that I'm not gonna get in trouble with my mom because my mom loves my older cousin for some reason which is wierd because I have a personality like my older cousin's and my mom hates me. :P But anyways...because that's the case I won't get in any trouble. :P I'm so smarticle, aren't I? :twisted: :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Well...I'm gonna go take a nap now and after that I'm gonna do some training for my mud wrestling match with my older cousin...well...that's if you count playing in the mud training. :lol: :P Bye! -MightyBFan25