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It's Been Raining For Two Days Straight...'s been raining for two days straight which really sucks. I mean...I usually like it when it rains but this isn't a warm rain, it's a cold rain, probably from Canada or somewhere north of the U.S. And it also sucks cuz I haven't really been able to go outside all weekend either. I mean...I can't go to the park cuz I'd probably just catch a cold and get sick and who wants that? I can't go on a walk cuz it's just a stupid idea and nothing good will come out of it, I'll just get soaked. And I can't even go out on the porch cuz well...the rain isn't falling down straight, it's coming down at an angle so if I'm out on the porch I'll get soaked. So...I can't go outside at all and I hate it. I might have said this before but if I didn't...well...I get kinda crazy...well...more crazy than I usually am when I don't get to go outside for a long period of time. So...if I do or say anything stupid or crazy...just ignore's the bad weather and the fact that I can't go outside. :P I know that the second it stops raining I'm going to the park. I think it's supposed to stop raining tomorrow though. I really hope so and if not I hate the weather peoples. :P

I haven't really done much today. :P All I did was sleep until like 11, watch TV, go online, and that's really about it.:P I hate that we lose an hour of sleep cuz we set the clocks forward an hour. :P I already did that with all the clocks in my house that don't do it automatically except for my watch cuz I'm too lazy to do so at the moment. :P I always sleep in really late on the weekends cuz that's really the only time I can sleep cuz during the week I haveta wake up at like 5 in the morning. But there's nothing I can do about that. :P

One other thing that I wanna say is that a few of my friends have e-mailed me or called me this weekend, daring me to procrastinate on my Latin translation and ELA charts. :P I just said that I'm not gonna and I already did all my work. :P I'm probably gonna call them or email them later and just laugh at them and say that I already did all my work just to annoy them cuz they all procrastinate. :P I don't get why they do procrastinate good comes out of it. It just makes your life harder and more stressful than it needs to me. I mean...I've noticed that I'm much more happy and relaxed and stress-free than all my friends who procrastinate. :P Yeah...I'm just gonna call them and laugh at them later. :P I'll never procrastinate and I know better than to fall for a dare. :P Sometimes when I get dared to procrastinate I kinda feel like Bessie in that episode Hive Of Darkness when Ben and Happy came up to The Hive to tell Bessie not to get the ever-elusive Bee-Keeping Badge cuz they hated the bees and Bessie said: I can't believe you guys. Don't you want me to get all the badges? Don't you want me to become the Mighty Bee? Don't you want me to over-achieve? I mean...I kinda feel like that but you know what...if they wanna procrastinate, that's they're problem and they're not gonna make me do that...even though they are just goofing around. I know better than to procrastinate. :P But...I just felt like mentioning that. :P

One thing that sucks is last night I had another dream with zombies in it and it was wicked scary. I don't even wanna talk about it though. Just please don't mention zombies around me unless you absolutely hate me and wanna be mean to a glasses-wearing nerd. :P

I don't really have much else to say. :P I don't wanna go back to my mom's place tonight and I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow. The only good thing is that I can watch The Amazing Race tonight and tomorrow I shouldn't have much, if any, homework cuz I'm ahead in everything cuz I'm so smarticle. :P I can't wait for Wednesday though cuz I'll have the day off from school...I think it's Evacuation Day or some stupid holiday like that. :P I really wanna go to the park and get covered in mud but since I can't cuz it's raining...I'll just mess up my mom's place when I get back there in a few hours. :twisted: :P I'm a horribly behaved child...I really am. :P I don't care though. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25