Sorry about the title. :P But it's true. :P It's like 11 in MA right now as I'm typing this and I should be in bed but I'm not tired at all really and I'm bored and can't seem to fall asleep so I'm just gonna type this blog. :P I hope I don't bore any of you with this... :P
So...overall my day was pretty good. :) We legit did NOTHING in school today which was AWETHUM!!! :D In Italian and ELA, we watched movies. In History and Math, we took tests. And in Latin we just translated stuff. And in Band we just played a little music and goofed around A LOT. :P And I had a study and got a lot of homework done. I actually had no homework when I got home which was AWETHUM!!! :D
So I got home, packed up some stuff, relaxed for a while, and then my dad came to pick me up which was good. :D I'm really glad that I'm at my dad's place now. I mean...I always am but this time more than usual. I think it's cuz my mom's been unusually nice to me lately and she hasn't really let me leave the house for some odd reason. I mean...I know she's trying to make an effort to me nicer to me, probably cuz I'm teaching her Italian now. But I don't like her being nice to me. :P I mean...that's a good thing I guess but I don't wanna be like my mom or spend time with her. :P I'd much rather be at the park getting dirty or on a long walk or something. :P I just need to get away from my mom and get some fresh air this weekend. I'll just go crazy if I don't! :P Tomorrow I'm planning on being outside doing some stuff for a while. I'll probably be doing some yard-work or going on a walk or going to the park or something. :P But...anyways...this may seem wierd but I actually want my mom to hate me so she'll just let me leave the house and get some fresh air. :P
Oh, and YOU BETTER READ THIS, Girlygirl24: Okay...this is nothing stupid or one of my evil pranks. :P This is actually something that I thought you might like to hear about cuz you like Michael Jackson. Well...I've heard that in Band at my school, another song that we're gonna be playing at the Spring Concert, along with Amazing Grace, is Michael Jackson's song "Thriller". Personally I don't like him or his music but a good musician has no preferences about what music they play and I wanna be a good musician so I'm gonna put my preferences aside and just play it when I get the music. :)
I don't have much else to really say. :P I just noticed that I'm becoming a pretty quick typer compared to a few months ago. This blog only took me about 15 minutes to type up. :D Bye bye! -MightyBFan25