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It's Snowing For The First Time This Winter... :D

Yep...the title's correct...right now it is snowing for the first time in Boston this winter and I'm really happy about that! :D I's just an inch or two so we won't have a snow day (the lucky peoples from Cape Cod get one though! :P ) but at least it's snowing. :D But all this is doing is getting me even more excited for my birthday on Thursday and Christmas on Saturday which I don't need because I'm already excited enough as it is. :P's just a few days away and I only have three days of school left before I go on Christmas Break. :D Now let's get on with this blog and hopefully it won't be THAT long. :lol: :P But if it just love reading these things so much, don't you? :twisted: :P Yeah...I don't think so. :P But you're in my world now so you must read this blog. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P

Today school was pretty good. Nothing that special really happened aside from one thing but I'll get to that later. In Band Ms. Dougherty was actually happy with our preformance and congradulated us today and we got a new song called The Maelstrom (I probably spelled that wrong. :P ) and I personally like the way it sounds. And even though it's more of a fast-paced, high-energy song, it has this almost raging emotion behind it which I like. :P I's hard to get in an angry mindset while playing the flute but I can and when I'm in that mindset and I have that music and my flute ready to go...I suggest you don't mess with me. :twisted: :P In Math we're reviewing stuff about Quadratics which is really easy. :P In Latin we had a lesson on the story of the last king of Rome, Tarquinus Superbus. In Biology we had a test on genetics that everyone said was ridiculously hard on but I know I got an A on it. I loved learning about's interesting and it's all organized and math...which I'm really good at. :P In Italian we had a vocabulary quiz and we're working on making a dialogue to present to the class on Wednesday. In English some people declaimed today and they did one in particular did exceptionally well in my opinion. :P And in History we watched a movie about Islam and it's impact on was boring but's better than reading that crap from a textbook. :P Then I got home and I didn't have that much homework at I did it and was done before 4. Then I just practiced The Maelstrom on flute for a while and watched some TV and now I'm on this site...making a blog. :P

By the my last blog I mentioned that when I got to my mom's place I was probably gonna snap and go play in the mud. :P Well...I actually managed to not do that and I'm gonna wait a little longer...I know I can live without it for more than a month now...which is good I guess...but I just think it's strange because I didn't think that I'd last for more than a week. :P And don't worry...staying away from mud puddles hasn't turned me into some snobby girly-girl so don't worry about that. :P That'll never happen unless I'm epicly pranking you. :twisted: :P But I think I'm gonna end this before my birthday just because I've already proven to myself that I can live without playing in the mud and that's good enough for me. :P Oh, and I was thinking of some way to epic prank you all again on some of my blogs but nothing that I can think of can top the epicness of my epic prank when I was faking quitting being a tom-boy forever. :P Oh well...I'll come up with something...but first on the agenda is the epic prank to get back at my older cousin on Christmas! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

Now getting to this strange thing today. Well...I'm not gonna get into too much detail talking about this because I honestly feel a little awkward and embarrassed to mention it but there's this girl in my History class (You can probably already see where this is going...considering everything about me...) and she's really nice and all but I actually never knew her before this year and she hasn't talked to me once all year until last week and now she is and she's from East Boston (which is really nice because not many people at BLS are from Eastie...and I am from East Boston so it's nice to know other kids from the same part of Boston as you) and we're talking with each other after History class and she moved to my table for lunch and we have taken the train home a few times and you would think: "Okay, this is just another new friend...that's nice." but I seems kinda wierd because it's not likea usual friendship and I think she's either being put up by some of those popular jerky kids to mess with my head OR she really is sincerely being nice but is mistaking me as a lesbian and even though right now we're just just seems awkward and I can see where this is going and I don't like the idea of it. But...I'm gonna just see what happens. I don't wanna really talk about this too much though and if you do plan on commenting about this in this blog...please don't say anything ridiculously mean.

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. Tomorrow I probably won't be able to go online too much...I'm gonna be kinda busy with school was just a laid back day which hardly ever happens at BLS. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)