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I've Just Lost All Respect For My Dad...

Yeah...the title's right...I've just lost all respect for my dad. I SHOULD be at his place for the weekend but right now I'm at my mom's place...even though my dad picked me up on Friday afternoon. It's a long story and I'd rather not get into it but basically me and my dad got into a huge argument because my dad thinks that I was "disrespecting him" and yeah...I probably was a little rude and disrespectful on my part but to be dad was being very inconsiderate on his part and wouldn't listen to my reasoning at all and was just yelling at me. And the second he raised his voice to me I just couldn't stand it anymore...I can't stand fighting...verbal or physical (it was just a verbal fight) and I just lost all respect for him because a good parent should be able to talk things out with their kids instead of just yelling at them. I have no respect for anyone (even my dad) if they're gonna yell at me or put their hands on me. Yes...I was probably acting like a jerk to a certain degree...but he never bothered to stop and talk to me and hear what I was thinking or get to the bottom of things and that's what every good parent should do in my opinion. It was over something very stupid too...and then it got worse...I'm not gonna say what it was about though...I don't wanna even think about this. So at around noon I packed up all my stuff (all my clothes and my flute and all that stuff...very very heavy for a wimpy nerd like me. :P ) and walked to my mom's place. I got there at around 1 and that was that. It was a pretty long walk...and it was kinda cold even though I was dressed was still kinda cold and by the time I got home my chest felt really tightened up and it was very painful...but...I'm at my mom's place now and I'm fine. When I got here I just kinda I would at my old school if I escaped from a bunch of bullies without getting hurt at all...which hardly ever happened by the way. :P So...I just wanna forget about that and I'm not going to my dad's place next weekend of the weekend after that or the weekend after that until he apologizes. And I know it's not like me to hold a grudge like this...but honestly...after all that...I think I absolutely have a right to hold a grudge against my dad. So...I'm just gonna forget about him until he realizes that he's the one at fault and that I deserve an apology. And uh...sorry about this rant everyone...I just had to vent...and I don't wanna really talk about this anymore...I'm fine and this is a problem that I need to work out with my family.

Other than that my day's been pretty good so far. :D It was very nice of my mom to let me stay here this weekend and any weekend after this one until everything's better again. I mean...she didn't haveta do that...she coulda just let me stay at my dad's place but she let me come back which I thought was very nice on her part. Maybe my mom doesn't hate me as much as I think she does...but I'll try to behave better to thank her until things blow over with my dad. I've spent most of the day since that just watching TV or going online...and I've spent some time writing angry song lyrics that I plan to turn into flute music tomorrow. And now I'm on this site...making a blog. :P I'm not gonna go outside today's kinda cold outside (and if I'm must be REALLYcold outside...because I'm hardly ever cold) and I don't want my chest to get all tightened up again...that was one of the most painful things I've ever felt...and I got bullied at my old school for about three years or so. So uh...yeah...that's all I haveta say about today... :P

Oh, and on Friday when those snobby relatives came over it was HORRIBLE and I hated it! :P Oh, and apparently my older cousin gave my mom a pink skirt and told her to tell me to wear it on Friday! So...of course I didn't wear it...I have nightmares about that kinda crap! :P I just threw it in the back of my closet and called me older cousin to have a word with her. :twisted: :P Of course when she knew it was me she was laughing and said that that was the prank she played on someone on Thanksgiving and that's why she wasn't as disappointed as me when the prank on her mom failed...she had a prank to play on me. Of she's gonna get it on Christmas...calling me a stereotypical flute player and then making my mom tell me to wear a pink skirt. :twisted: :P least I didn't haveta wear that stupid thing...I'd feel so girly in that's bad enough at my old school we had to wear a uniform (it was a private Catholic school...sowe had to wear dress shirts, plaid jumpers, dress shoes, and those stupid knee socks and I hated it. :P )...I felt ridiculously stupid wearing that thing every was so girly. :P If I ever did haveta wear something like that I'd probably either be thinking of plans to kill myself afterwards or plan on playing in the mud every day for like a month...probably the second one. :twisted: :P Anyways...the relatives that came over were so boring and uptight and snobby and I personally hated them. It was pretty normal and boring so I don't have much to complain was just boring and my mom wouldn't let me go outside to play in the mud! :P Oh well... :P

I don't have much else to say about my day. When I'm done typing this blog I'm gonna go in my room and start imagining what my perfect world would be like...I've already started working on that on my walk to my mom's place (Oh...and I had to walk to my mom's place because my dad kicked me out and refused to drive me home). That's about it...I'm dreading going back to school on Monday because I'm gonna get slammed with term projects and declamations and it's gonna be insane. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)