This blog is pretty much completely useless aside from me making it for my own amusment. :P day was pretty good I guess. Nothing much to really talk about. :P All I did was sleep, watch TV, and go online, and then I had to go out to dinner with some of the people on my dad's side of the family for mother's day because I won't be with them to celebrate it tomorrow. Other than that I didn't really do much. :P And I couldn't go outside either because it's been raining off and on like mad today. At the moment it's stopped but just like 30 minutes it'll be raining again. :P I don't really care's a warm rain, not a stupid cold rain that almost hurts. I might go on a walk later...and even if it does start raining, so what if I get a little wet? It's no big deal so I don't care. :P Yeah...I think I'll go on a walk later...
Tomorrow I'll be celebrating Mother's Day with my mom's side of the family. I'm pretty sure my dad's gonna drop off me and my little brother at my mom's place. And don't worry about my well being...I bought my mom a card and some flowers with some of my money and I will give those things to her when I see her. And it's not a stupid prank either...and the card doesn't say anything that when she reads it she'll wanna kill me. :P Although...I WAS thinking about getting my mom this HILARIOUS card that I saw but then I was talking to myself and this is basically what I said, "Come on (then I adressed myself by my last name which also happens to be my nickname cuz it's a really cool Latin word), what are you thinking? Mother's Day is the ONLY day that I should actually make an effort to not act stupid." So...I talked myself out of getting that card. :P I'm just ticked off that I'm actually gonna...behave myself tomorrow. I can't believe that I'd do that actually! I mean...seriously...I'm a complete troublemaker...but...I guess I's for my mom only for one day. After we're done celebrating Mother's Day with my mom's side of the family...I'm really excited for what we'll be doing next. of my mom's friends got us tickets to a Red Sox vs. Yankees game that's taking place tomorrow so my mom, her friend, me, and my little brother are going which will be AWETHUM! This might sound wierd but even though I live in Boston I've never been to a Red Sox game ever. :P It'll be AWETHUM to go. I can't wait personally. And the thing that's even better is that that friend of my mom's that going with us is the one that I actually like. :P'll be AWETHUM!!! :D I can't wait!!! :D
Now...before I end this blog I'd just like to say one thing about myself that I've never mentioned on this site in one of my blogs yet and I wanna say. I just wanna say that I wasn't actually born normally like most peoples are. My mom apparently had some problems with having me and my little brother so all this science stuff had to be done and there was only a 50% chance of it actually working and it worked apparently for both me and my little brother. So technically I wasn't even supposed to be born. I just wanted to say that and if for some reason you just randomly begin to hate me...don't ever...EVER mention that because if you do...I dunno what I'll do but TRUST won't be pretty. When people mention that in a mean wayto be it infuriates me because I can't help how I was born and that my mom bad problems with having babies and stuff. Anyways...I remember reading some article on kids who were born like how I was and it says that typically kids that wereborn like I was are generally stronger (doesn't apply to me at all...I'm just a wimpy dorky nerd. :P ), taller (kinda makes sense...I hit a few growth spurts and at the moment I'm about 5 feet 6 inches tall at the age of 14.) and smarter (DEFINATELY applies to me because I'm wicked smart. :P ). So uh...yeah...I just wanted to mention that. So...I was never normal since birth I guess. :P Hehe...I guess I've always been wierd and different. :P I don't care though...I'm a special peoples then. :P
I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P I just have one random question: Have any of you seen those random colorful bracelet things that turn into animals and stuff? I have a bunch of them and I'm wearing a few at the moment that turn into dinosaurs. :P I mean...I don't wear jewelry at all...but it's not jewelry at's more of just fun random items. :P Anyways...I'm just asking cuz I wanna know if it's just like my school that's obsessed with them or if like ANYONE else actually even knows about them. :lol: :P Anyways...that's about it. :P Sorry for having you waste part ofyour lives if you read this. :P Or am I sorry at all...? :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I'm not sorry at all! :twisted: :P I'm an evil genius...I don't feel sorry for anyone! Kidding. :P Sorry...I'm just being stupid. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25