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Just When I Thought I Was Ahead Of Everything...We Get Another Stupid Project...

Yep, just when I thought that I was finally ahead with all my school-work...guess what? We got assigned another stupid Latin project!!! Luckily it wasn't too hard and I did it in about two hours which I'm glad about. :P The rest of my day was pretty good. It was just a normal Day 3 at BLS. And I only had Latin and Italian homework when I got home and I already did it all so now I have nothing else to to. :P One thing that I wanna say is that so far in math class this term we've taken four tests and my grades are: 95, 96, 92, 100, and then whatever I got on the term test I took today but I think I did really good on it. :D I'm such a math geek. :lol: :P Well...I'm just a geek period. :P I don't have much else to really say about school at the moment. :P

Right now I'm home alone cuz my mom's still at work and I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up which will hopefully be soon. :D I can't wait to get to my dad's place. :D That'll be AWETHUM!!! :D I survived the week and now I get to leave my mom's place for a few days. :D Oh, and it finally stopped raining today and the park is probably gonna be really muddy today so I think I'll go later to get dirty cuz I can and I wanna. :twisted: :P Yeah...I'm crazy. :P Don't question why I do this sorta stuff. :P Nothing exciting's been going on at home lately either. :P My mom's just been a nag like she usually is and I wanna kill her like I normally do. :P I mean...I don't kill her (that's illegal) and it's more fun to torture her and I just sometimes wish she'd leave me the heck alone but there's nothing I can do I guess. I just tortured her a lot. :P Nothing else I wanna say about home at the moment. :P

Uh...that's actually all I haveta say. :P This blog is kinda short. :P If you go on the Mighty B! forums regularly I'll send you a PM later and just reply to that sometime before tomorrow. :D And don't forget to come to my blog party in a few days. :D It'll probably be this upcoming Monday unless I don't make a blog someday this weekend. I think this is my 97th blog. :P Anyways...I should probably shut up now. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25