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Last Day Of My Christmas Break...

*sigh* Today's the last day of my break from school and it's gonna suck. :( I know it cuz I'm going back to my mom's place soon after being at my dad's place all week, which will make my mom seem even worse than usual. And it's gonna be more worse than usual to say bye to my dad. I don't wanna go back to live with my mom and I don't wanna go back to school! This break went by WAY too fast. It was nice and relaxing but I wish it was longer. I'm not trying to make anyone depressed, but I am, so I apologize for coming on this site to type up a blog while I'm in such a bad mood. I know that I'm not gonna enjoy today cuz I'm gonna have that thought of going back to school at the back of my mind all day long.'s snowing outside so I can't go out to get some fresh air or get filthy or anything. And I'm too upset to play a prank on my mom when I get back there. I only play pranks and goof around when I'm in a good mood so I can enjoy it. But I'm just sorta depressed at the moment so I don't think I'm up for any pranks. Sorry about that. When I feel better I'll do something evil to my mom. :P But uh...sorry about sounding so negative at the moment and I'm usually more of an optimist, but I'm just upset and it brings out my pessimistic side.

I guess I should just try to think about some positive things though. I mean, my whole break was good, relaxing, unproductive, etc... I got to spend the whole week at my dad's place, I won my Bakugan video game, new Mighty B! episodes aired, it's officially 2010, I got to have my first decent x-mas after my parents' divorce, and some other things. When I get home I'll just unpack all my stuff, get ready for tomorrow, and then if I'm up to it I might play a game of Bakugan with my little brother. :) If I'm up to it, but I'm not sure if I will after being sent to my mom's place. That's enough to wear on anyone's spirit. :P I guess I should just try to stay optimistic. I mean, everyone hasta go back to school sometime. And if not, I guess I'd become an idiot. :P I can't remember half the stuff I learned this year, so maybe going back will refresh my memory. And I get to see my friends again. And there's a lot of snow on the ground so I might get a snow day, but I dunno. I hope it keeps snowing. I'm beginning to feel a little better. :) I don't know how I'll feel a few hours from now when I'm at my mom's place though. I hope I'm at least up for a game of Bakugan, and I hope I'm not too upset to play a prank on my mom.

Well...I'm probably boring you with this. :P I don't have any plans or anything for today. I'll edit this blog later to tell you if I played a prank on my mom. If I did I'll tell you about it. And I think I'll play some Bakugan later. If I do that, I'll tell you if I won. Bye bye. -MightyBFan25

EDIT: Well...thanks for making me feel a little better everyone. :) I'm still a little upset, but not too much. When I got to my mom's place, I put away all my things and got ready for tomorrow and I'm okay now. :) I was up for a game of Bakugan, well...two actually. I won my first match, but I barely lost my second one, so I'm gonna have a tie-break tomorrow. :D I hope I win that one. I actually have a pretty good Bakugan deck. I'll talk about it later in this paragraph. I couldn't come up with anything evil enough for a prank to play on my mom and I wasn't in a good enough mood to anyways. I mean, I'm okay, but not in good enough of a mood to play a prank. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, but I guess I haveta and it won't be too bad I guess. :) Now I wanna talk about my current Bakugan deck. I've actually changed it a few times cuz I felt like it. :P But my current one is this: For my Bakugan I have Pyrus Serpentoid that has 470 G's, Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid that had 550 G's, and Naga (that has no attribute and can be anyone you want it to be) that has 650 G's. My ability cards are Blaze, Circle of Fire, and Call From Friends. My Gate Cards are Clayf, Fire Pit, and Limbo Gate. It's a good deck aside from my green ability card cuz I can't seem to come across a good green ability card. :P Well...that's all I haveta say. I haveta go to bed soon and then I'm gonna start getting back to work at school. :D Bye...again. :P -MightyBFan25