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Level 11! / I Feel REALLY Stupid Right Now... :P're probably wondering how in the world someone as smart as me could possibly feel stupid...but this doesn't involve school at all...something else. :P And well...I'll get to that soon. I just wanna talk about something else first and I hope I don't bore you. :P

First of all, I reached level eleven. :D AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM!!!!!!!!!! :D You may say congradulations to me if you're actually reading this part. :P I have a feeling that Girlygirl24 isn't gonna do that though. :P Just kidding. :P

Now...this is why I feel REALLY stupid right now. I mean...I just got approbation so of course I feel academically smart...but I KNOW that I lack common sense. One thing that I've noticed about myself that I frequently do is make assumptions about things before really giving them a fair chance. And...I doubt any of you remember...but I think I once mentioned that I hated Taylor Swift. Well...I'm listening to my i-pod right now and I'm listening to some of her music. I feel that I was very stupid to just listen to some of her music on the radio and not even think much about it or bother to read a short bibliography about her and then just assume that I hated her. I mean...I downloaded some of her new music on my i-pod...along with some of her older music and now that I really think about it and I've listened to it for a while...I actually enjoy her music. And...I've been google-ing her bibliography and I found some interesting things about her...but in a good way interesting. Apparently before she became all famous and stuff she was a straight A student and people gave her a hard time at think it's safe to say that she was somewhat of a nerd. If that's true...I personally think that's AWETHUM! So...I take back what I said about hating her cuz I actually like her now. No one made me give her a fair shot...I just chose to take some time outta my life to do that. The only think that I don't like about her newer songs is that it discusses a lot of stuff about relationships and stuff but ah well...what can you do.

Anyways...TODAY WAS NATIONAL BRING YOUR BAKUGAN TO SCHOOL DAY!!!!! :D Just kidding. :P Not really...I wish it was though. :P You know'd haveta be such a nerd to bring a Bakugan to school! Wait...oh crap...I actually brought a Bakugan to school with me today. :lol: :P Ignore that and don't make fun of me...well...not too much anyways. :P

Now day was AWETHUM!!! :D It seemed to go by really fast and I enjoyed it. I didn't have ANY HOMEWORK when I got home cuz I either did it all WAY in advance or I did it in a study cuz I'm an AWETHUM evil mastermind. :P So...NO HOMEWORK!!! WOO HOO!!! :D voice is getting a lot better now too. It still sounds screwed up and stuff but not nearly as bad and I can speak up a lot more now...which I'm really glad about cuz I seem to be a very loud talker for the most part. :P Nothing stupid really happened to me except when I showed most of my friends my Haos Falconeer for the sake of showing them a Bakugan...they jokingly said that I act like I'm 10 and toys shouldn't be in school. :lol: :P Of course then I had to say that the Bakugan aren't just a toy or part of a simple game and explain the whole show. :P And when one of my crazy friends was bothering me today I was trying to talk to Haos Falconeer to make it come out of it's ball form and attack my friend...which obviously didn't work and I knew it wouldn't. :P But overall...AWETHUM day!!! :D

My mom's not home from work yet and my brother is at one of his friend's houses so I'm home alone...which I'm enjoying. I'm bored... :P I'm gonna go to the park later today and do what I normally do there and get some fresh air while I'm at it. That'll be fun. He he he! :twisted: :P I'll tell you how that goes. :P

And I don't think I'll get in trouble for doing that cuz my mom actually wants me to do something for her now. She wants me to teach her Italian. Now, you're probably thinking something like: Ha, yeah right! Alicia wouldn't do that for her mom of all people! Well...I actually wanna. It'll give my mom something to do that's not cleaning the house like she has OCD or smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. Besides...I get to boss her around a bit and see how dumb and incapable of learning she really is. :P But you know...I'd actually like to see her learn something from it. But I dunno. :P I'll do it and Italian is really easy to learn and get a base in. And it'll help me also cuz it'll refresh my memory of what I'm learning in Italian. And I remember I made this one smart remark about this last night that was something like: I'll only teach you while covered in mud with a lolly-pop in my mouth. :lol: :P Of course I don't mean that but I got a good laugh outta that. :P But...I'm gonna enjoy doing this starting next week and I'll keep you updated on that. :D

I don't have much else to say. I'm gonna go to the park in a few minutes and when I come back I'll tell you how that was if you care. I'm probably not gonna get into any trouble cuz my mom probably doesn't wanna get on my bad side when she wants me to do something for her. :P I'm definately gonna take advantage of that opportunity. :twisted: :P And later I'm gonna try to get my Haos Falconeer, the Bakugan that I brought to school cuz it's my lowest G-power one and I don't like it too much and it's only a B1 Bakugan, to talk to me like Drago does to Dan in the show. :P Just kidding, that'll never really happen...although I wish it did. :P I think I'm obsessed with Bakugan too. I should add that to my favorites list...I will. :D Ciao! -MightyBFan25