Well, first of all, I made it to level 12 a day or two ago but I didn't make a blog then so I'll just state that right now. :D I made it to level 12, YAY! :D I'm glad about that. :)
My day was pretty good so far. :D I didn't really do anything. :P I slept in, watched The Mighty B! on Nicktoons Network, played some random flash games on onemorelevel.com, went on this site...and uh...that's about it. :P One thing that sucks is that it's been pretty cold lately so I haven't been able to go outside too much for the past few days, including today. And the thing that made it worse today was that since I usually take a bath every other day or whenever I've done something stupid and need one and I didn't take a bath on Friday, I had to take one today which sucked. And the part that made it worse was that I wasn't even dirty so I felt that it was just pointless to take one and since it was too cold to go outside really, I couldn't leave and give myself a reason to take a bath which sucked. Well...at least it was just this one time and I didn't haveta clean out the bath-tub after. :P But other than that...ah...my day was pretty good. :D
You know...I could end this blog right now but since it's sorta short and all my blogs are usually pretty darn long...I'll just bore you with talking about Bakugan cuz I can cuz when you read my blogs you're in my world. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You're in my world now!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P I'm not an evil mastermind or anything...but I could if I wanted to I bet. :P Well...I just wanted to say that out of the 5 Bakugan that I recently got on ebay, two of them have already come in the mail and I'm still waiting for the other three. I got my two Pyrus and Ventus Coin Scorpions that each have 850 G's already and they're AWETHUM and I've used them in a few battles with my Pyrus and Ventus deck and they're just AWETHUM cuz you get to add 850 G's to the total G-Power of your Bakugan and it just becomes virtually unstoppable. :D The other ones that I'm still waiting for are those 3 Abis Omegas and I can't wait to get them. :D I know that once I get them I'm gonna add two of them to my Haos deck cuz all three are Haos. It'll really make my Haos deck AWETHUM!!! :D Then my Haos Bakugan for my deck will be Alto Brontes with 720 G's, Orange Translucent Abis Omega with 720 G's, and Pearl Abis Omega that had 750 G's. And then my Haos ability cards and gate cards but I'm not gonna rattle off those. :P I just can't wait to get them in the mail!!! :D And the Pearl Abis Omega is super rare cuz it's part of the pearl Bakugan collection which was this limited edition set of Bakugan that are just AWETHUM! :D Well...I think that's enough with Bakugan for now. :P I hope this proves how boring I can be when I start talking about certain things. :P By the way...I also hope that this had taught you that when you read my blogs...you're in my world!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P
I think that's all I haveta say at the moment. :P I'm gonna use a different Italian greeting this time cuz I'm getting sorta sick of saying ciao so...Arrividerci. -MightyBFan25