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Merry Christmas Everyone!!! :D

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone on :D You guys are AWETHUM!!! :D This is my first Christmas on and it's been a good one so far. :D I know it's pretty early and a certain person with a Cub icon who lives in CA probably isn't awake yet. :P But...I live in MA and yeah...time zones differ. :P Hopefully you're not reading this at the moment and you're either still asleep or opening presents. :P

I got everything on my wish-list, except for the video games for my DS, but I'll be getting those at my dad's place. :D I got a cleaning rod and a tuner for my flute, an itunes gift card, a new set of headphones (cuz I broke my other ones cuz I'm stupid. :P ), Pokemon cards (yes...this nerd is still addicted to Pokemon and enjoys playing the game and collecting the cards. :P ), pajamas (I needed those cuz I ruined most of them from doing uh...stuff. DON'T ASK. :P), the two Mighty B! DVD's called We Got The Bee and BEEing Bessie Higgenbottom (I'm rather shocked that Santa brought me that cuz well...I'm addicted to The Mighty B! and this is gonna probably make it worse. :P But...if the Mighty B! gets cancelled, I can still watch episodes of it...and if it doesn't...I can watch episodes whenever I wanna. :D ), and Bakugan (yes...I'm also addicted to Bakugan. I love the game and I love the show cuz I'm a nerd. :P Got a bunch of new Bakugan and ability cards and gate cards...and I sound like the biggest geek ever, don't I? :P I never mentioned it on this site cuz I didn't feel like it. :P Well...I got a lot of new Bakugan stuff so...BAKUGAN BRAWL! :P Sorry...I had to say that. :P ) Oh, and Santa brought a Wii system and some games for me and my little brother. That's gonna be AWETHUM but we can't play it now cuz we're leaving to go celebrate x-mas in about two hours. And uh...that's about it. I'm going over to my dad's place tonight and Santa always leaves things at both places...and all our DS games are there. I'm gonna be getting a few games but the one that I'm REALLY looking forward to is this Bakugan video game for DS and it comes with the Bakugan Naga, which I can't wait to get cuz it has 600 G's, which is really high. :D And uh...I should shut up now before I sound like even more of a nerd. :P Ah...I don't care. I know I'm a nerd. :P

I'm leaving in like two hours to go to my great-grandmother's we do every Christmas. That'll be good. :D I love seeing my cousins cuz they're AWETHUM!!! :D One question: What are you all doing on Christmas? Just a bit curious. Merry Christmas!!! :D -MightyBFan25

EDIT: Okay, I just wanna say how my day went. was nice at my great-grandmother's place. :) And my oldest cousin, who's AWETHUM, was there. :D I have this funny story about something involving her that happened today. Okay, all the kids, including me, were downstairs and I was in a REALLY lazy mood and didn't feel like doing ANYTHING. :P So...I was just sitting down and I asked my cousin to get me some soda. She said fine. So then...I was just laying back on the couch and I had my eyes closed cuz I felt like relaxing and there wasn't anything good on TV. :P And then she came back, I still had my eyes shut and I asked her to just put the soda on the coffee table. got dumped on me. :lol: :P I guess I desreved it for being lazy. :P And I was wearing a sweatshirt so I just took that off cuz I was wearing a t-shirt underneath that and that was that. And I don't care about the sweatshirt getting dirty. :P It was gonna get filthy sometime this week anyways. :P And the rest of the day was good and then I went to dad's place and got my DS games there. It was AWETHUM!!! And I got the Bakugan Naga that has 650 G's! AWETHUM!!! :D And uh...right now I'm just relaxing, typing a blog, and I'm gonna go to bed in an hour or so. Merry Christmas...again. :P