It's been a few days since I made a blog which is wierd because I thought that I would be making a blog every day during my Christmas Break but I've been kinda lazy and I haven't had much to really talk about. :P The past few days have been kinda boring...nothing really special has went on for the most part...just playing some games on my Nintendo DS, listening to music on my iPod, completely oblivious to everything around me, playing the piccolo and the flute and some other stuff like playing in the snow and whatnot. :P But today was pretty good and I actually have some stuff to talk about in this blog. :P Well...I might as well just get on with this blog because I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P
Well...before I get to the events of today I just wanna mention a few things. :P Well...I can't get some songs by Metallica and Alice In Chains outta my head and it's kinda annoying me. :P Yeah yeah...I listen to that stuff occasionally. :P I's good music but still...I hate getting music stuck in my head so all day in my spare time I've been trying to listen to some of their songs to get it outta my head but it's not working. :P least it's not as bad as that time I had stupid Lady Gaga music stuck in my head for like a week. :lol: :P And last night I had that dream where I met anti-me in the mirror again but this time I found out that anti-me was really that twin sister I was supposed to have but wasn't born which makes a lot of sense...because with twin sisters one is usually a tomboy and the other is a girly-girl. that I know the secret behind that dream...I kinda feel bad for some reason but I'll try to forget about that. And yesterday my mom was being annoying about the way I dress, saying that I should actually dress up like a girl for once in my life. :lol: :P I mean...I will when I haveta but other than that...if you were to meet me I'd be wearing sneakers, a t-shirt, and shorts, sweatpants, or jeans..depending on the weather. :P And I'll only wear shorts that go down to my knees because otherwise I think it's stupid and revealing and whatnot and I can't stand girls who wear short shorts. :P And the pants that I wear are always loose-fitting because I personally find that more comfortable and I guess my mom doesn't like that. :P Oh well...that's her problem. :twisted: :P I mean...there's probably a lot of reasons as to why I ended up being so"screwed-up" but I don't care because there's a reason behind it that I probably can't even comprehend. :P I'll get on with today. :P I didn't do anything that interesting really aside from one thing. :P Well...yesterday that nice girl in my history class (her name's Jenna) called me and asked if she could come over my house the next day (which would be today) and I asked my mom and she said okay because my little brother was at my dad's place (I went back to my mom's place for a few days to get some alone time. :P ) and I wouldn't haveta babysit and if I had a friend over I probably wouldn't blow up the house...or something along those lines. :P Anyways...she came over today which was nice and we were just talking and goofing around and stuff which was fun. :P And then she wanted me to play her something on the piccolo so I did and I actually did a pretty good job. :P So...overall it was nice. Before she left though (she had to leave at 3) I just wanted to clear up something with her because I think I know now why she wanted to be "friends" with me in the first place and I just explained what I had to and we're just gonna be friends and later on if we're more sure about some know. But...I'm just glad that I don't haveta worry about that for now and we're just gonna be friends. :P Besides...she is really nice...and one thing that I noticed is that she can act ridiculously girly at times but very boyish at others...but it seems like around me she tries to act all level-headed and serious and girly and stuff but ah...I managed to ruin that. :P I'm good for that. :lol: :P And after she left I packed up my stuff and my dad came to pick me up at around 4 and now I'm at his place...making a blog. :P
One last thing that I wanna mention is that I hate it when peoples mispronounce my name. :P Okay...I know my name is in a lot of different languages and whatnot and there's different variations of it butpeople always pronounce my name (Alicia) like it would be said in Spanish or Italian but that's not how you say it. :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that. :P And while I've been typing this blog I've been listening to Metallica music...but I don't think I have it outta my head. :P Oh well...I'll work on that... :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)