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My AWETHUMEST Declamation Grade Ever!!!!!!!!!! :D

Okay, I am SO HAPPY right now it's RIDICULOUS!!!!! :D Although I have been busy, I didn't really have too much crap to do tonight, so I can write a blog and go on a lot. :D So um...I hope I don't bore you. :P But uh...I bet you missed reading my LONG ANNOYING blogs, didn't you? :twisted: :P

So whole week so far has been pretty good. It's been ridiculously busy, but I've managed and I'm doing a darn good job. :) So uh...nothing wierd or crazy happened today but...I did have my Declamation first period. I will talk about that in my next paragraph. Oh...and I was on cloud-nine pretty much in History class today. We got back our tests and I got a 100!!! A 100!!! A+! I SUCK at History and that's AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM!!!!!!!!!! :D AWETHUM!!!!!!!!!! :D Sorry 'bout that. :P I got excited...okay, okay. :P And I had no homework when I got home tonight. I did my History and Italian in advance, my Math in a study, and I didn't have any ELA or Latin. I just practiced my flute and that's about it. :D

Now...this is my AWETHUMEST DECLAMATION EVER!!!!!!!!!! :D It seriously is. Last year, we did three declamations and I got a 90, 91, and 95 on 'em. :D And...this year, for my first Declamation for Ms. Wenz...guess what I got!!! :D I was aiming for an A+ cuz it has always eluded me. And...I got a 64 out of 65!!!!! That's a 98!!!!!!!!!! A+!!!!!!!!!! An A+!!!!! I am SO HAPPY right now and I seriously nailed it!!! All my friends said I did AWETHUM too! And after class, I said bye to Ms. Wenz, like I normally do, and she said bye and also that I did a great job with declamation today!!!!!!!!!! :D Getting that kinda complement from my ELA teacher, who is grading my Declamation, is just AWETHUM!!!!! I am RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY right now!!!!! :D It seems like all my hard work this week is really paying off and I'm proud of myself. :D I feel smarticle. :P Mwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! :P

And update on my Italian Group Project on Italian Neorealism: Okay, my evil mastermind plan at time managment is working AWETHUMLY and we're all on schedule! :D We did all our research on Tuesday. And yesterday, we assigned who would write certain parts of the essay. One thing that you should know is that whenever there's a group project, I put my leadership skills to good use and I'm always the project manager. I do my fair share of work, sometimes more than that if I'm working with a slacker, and I keep track of everything too. So...there's five paragraphs. An intro, three paragraphs on each of the three movies: Roma Citta Aperta, Umberto D., and Ladri Di Biciclette, and also a conclusion. I'm doing the intro paragraph and paragraph on Roma Citta Aperta. My friends is doing the paragraphs on Umberto D. and Ladri Di Biciclette. And the other person who was randomly put in our group is doing the conclusion. So...those paragraphs are due by tomorrow in our group. I already did mine yesterday and they're long and detailed and AWETHUM!!! :D And my partners will have the other three paragraphs ready for tomorrow, and then...we'll give them all to one person to edit and take home to type it all up. And tomorrow, we're also gonna stay after school in the library to do out Powerpoint Presentation. We WERE gonna do it today, but that partner who got randomly stuck in our group can't cuz he's "too busy". I wanna kill him! He barely did any research, doesn't have a flexible schedule, and NEVER talks!!! But...I obviously can't kill my partner. :P I'll manage with it though. It's just annoying working with him and I didn't even wanna!!! Ugh! And today would've been a little bit better for me to stay after school too cuz tomorrow I'm gonna be a little busy. I haveta do the Powerpoint with my group after school, and then I haveta go home, get ready for the Holiday Concert, and then just leave. So...I'll be busy tomorrow. Ah well. :)

Oh...just one last thing I wanna say. I loved doing my Declamation and I love my grade, but the dressing up part I hate! :P I mean, you haveta look all nice and stuff. My mom forced me to take a shower and blow-dried my hair and made it look all nice and stuff. And I had to wear dress pants, dress shoes, and a dress shirt. I'd NEVER wear a dress or skirt. I will dress up nice if I haveta, but a dress is just like the ultimate de-tom-boy-ifier or whatever you wanna call it. :P And the thing that annoys me the most is that people always tell me that I look nice when I clean up, so to speak. And I mean...I do look nice when I haveta and if I wanted to, I could look nice all the time and be one of those prissy girls. I'd just haveta look all nice and junk and listen to my mom more often. I mean, if I wanted to, I could be a prissy girl, I just absolutely hate the idea of it and I refuse to do so. :P Besides, I'm fine the way I am and I don't haveta change my personality for anyone!!! :D And I know that I'm the way I am cuz I always spent a lot of time with my dad before the divorce happened and I was always with him and my little brother, never my mom. That, and I just hate my mom so I strive to be as unlike her as possible. And I think that's a good thing. I'd rather be a tom-boy than some prissy girl anyways and I'm glad that I like playing in the mud better than going to the mall! :D Well, that's just another random thing that you probably don't care about, but I felt like typing that.

And that's about it. :D Sorry that I haven't been able to get filthy or play any pranks on my mom this week. I've been too busy. And even tonight, I've been thinking about the Powerpoint for tomorrow. I have the most responsibility outta anyone in my group for that Italian project cuz I took the leadership role. I had to though cuz I'm good at planning, organized when I need to be, and I'm an evil mastermind at time management and planning in advance. :P So...I'm like the group leader, like I always end up being for group projects. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25