Okay...sorry about the Bakugan related title but I'm really happy cuz my Bakugan that I won in an ebay auction came in today and they're all the way from Hong Kong. :D Thank God shipping was free for them. :P I got my Pyrus and Ventus Coin Scorpions about a week ago in the mail and they're AWETHUM!!! :D And I just got those 3 Abis Omegas today in the mail like I just said. :D They're AWETHUM too!!! :D I got Black Translucent Haos Abis Omega that has 550 G's, Orange Translucent Haos Abis Omega that has 720 G's, and Pearl Haos Abis Omega that has 750 G's and is officially my new favorite Bakugan cuz it's wicked powerful and it's Haos, which is an attribute I like, and it's a pearl Bakugan and that means that it's really rare and part of this limited edition collector series Bakugan set. Well...anyways...sorry about that and the title but I had to mention that. :P Besides, I guess you didn't haveta read that and when you read my blogs you're in my world so you must read...hehehe. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P
So...I also wanted to apologize that I wasn't on too much yesterday and I didn't make a blog cuz I was having some mood swings (I still do but it's not as bad as yesterday), and I had a bad headache and I didn't wanna be doing anything on this site that I might've regretted and might've gotten me in more trouble on this site so...yeah. I know why I'm having headaches and mood swings and all that stuff but ah...that's not the kinda thing I feel like mentioning.
Anyways, my day was pretty good. I had no homework when I got home cuz I either did it in a study or did it sometime in advance cuz I was bored and cuz I have no life. :P All my classes went by normal and Band went really good. We still haven't gotten the song Thriller yet cuz apparently Mr. harper wants us to play all the older music that we have before we learn the contemporary piece of music. But we did get a new piece of music that isn't Thriller. I forget what it's called but I think it's something like: Black Is The Color. But I dunno. :P It's pretty easy, even the part with all the low notes that all the other flute players are complaining about I find easy. :D The only sorta interesting part of my day was my last period study. So I did my work and I still had like 20 minutes left before it was over so I was talking to all the people in my grade who are also in that study and sit near me. Most of the other eigth graders are my old friends/enemies from last year that I knew who were in Cluster A. (It might seem wierd that I know people from Cluster A cuz I was in Cluster C last year but well...it just happened I guess. :P I knew a bunch of peoples from Clusters A and B and I knew everyone from Cluster C for the most part.) And I forget how but we started talking about the Jonas Brothers and I hate them and I said that they were gay and most of my friends agreed with me but a few of my former enemies from Cluster A who were Jonas Brother fan-girls were saying that they weren't and we all got into an agrument. :P I actually thought it was sorta funny. :P And when those Jonas Brother fan-girls realized that they were gonna lose that argument that the Jonas Brothers are good, they decided to change the subject and wanted to be jerks and dared me to wear a dress to school tomorrow. Ha, yeah right! I'll never do that, wether it's a dare or not I'll NEVER wear a dress!!! I do some dares but if they're stupid I know not to do them and that was one time where it was good to be "a coward" and not do it. :P I don't care cuz I don't mind getting picked on really and it's only by those prissy evil girls and who cares what they think about me?! So uh...yeah...that's how my day at school was. :P
Nothing has really been going on in my life lately that's interesting besides me playing pranks on my mom but I'm too lazy to type them up at the moment. :P If you care about what I did you can ask when you leave a comment in this blog...if you actually do. :P
That's about all that I haveta say. :P Just one last thing: In a certain, random amount of days at a random time I'm gonna do something evil on a blog and it'll be an AWETHUM trick!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...now that everything that I've wanted to say has been said...you may leave my world if you do so please. :P Okay...that's too polite I think. He he he! :twisted: I know what to say now: GET OUTTA MY WORLD!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25