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My Birthday/ Last Day Of School/ Blog Party!!!!! :D

Yep...that's's my birthday and I am now fifteen years old. :D I's not really a big deal though...I don't feel any different...if anything I'm just smarter than I was last year and maybe a few inches taller but that's about it. :P And it is also FZeroBoyo's birthday so I would like to wish him a happy birthday as well on this blog! :D Today was my last day of school before break and it went pretty good. :P I had my Biology presentation on Osteogenesis Imperfecta which went well, my Declamation which went AWETHUM (I got an A+!!! :D ), and a History test. :P But in every other class we just had parties or talked with our friends. :P It seems like in EVERY SINGLE CLASS peoples knew it was my birthday and just had to sing the birthday song for me! :P And because I had my Declamation and had to dress up all nice all my friends who are tomboys who I saw today just had to let me have it. :lol: :P I know I deserved it and I honestly didn't care. :P And now I'm home doing nothing and enjoying my Christmas break. :P And we're about to celebrate my birthday soon and I know that I'm gonna get epicly pranked so I'm a little paranoid but it's fine. :P I'll be over it the second I get pranked. :P Now...since I don't have much else to say in this's time for a..........

..........BLOG PARTY!!!!! :D Okay...I mentioned this before but today's the day that my blog party starts! :D It starts today as of right after I submit this blog and ends next Saturday at 9...because that's my bedtime. :P And feel free to cause as much destruction as possible and completely trash the place as long as you don't break my flute, my Bakugan, or my glasses because I'll be angry. :P Other than that...cause as much destruction as possible and please feel free to torture my mom! :twisted: :P's what is at this blog party:

Cookies...but please don't steal can have as many as you want. :P

Cake...but don't throw it at others...ESPECIALLY me!!! :P


A soda machine that contains Mountain Dew and you can have as much as you want for I don't wanna hear that we ran outta mountain dew. :P

Dr. Pepper...but don't take the Diet Dr. Pepper from the monkey. :P And I KNOW that we was here at the last blog party...but he came back and I can't do anything about it! :P

And root beer because even though I personally hate'll keep a certain wizard happy...if that wizard can get through the wizard proof barriers I have guarding the house! :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Don't worry...mere mortals can get through easily. :P

And that's everything at this blog party...feel free to bring anything else including but not limited to: Baseball bats, swords, flamethrowers, fire extinguishers, etc... :P You get the idea. :P Well...what are you waiting for...come to this party already! :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: And uh...the reason there's no images on this blog is because the site's acting stupid and won't let me make the blog with pictures on it. :P So...just ignore that. :P