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My Nana's Cat Just Died / The Random Game Two Begins...

Yeah...the title's correct. My Nana's cat just died. :( I found out about this last night and well...I was crying like mad for a while. I'm really upset about this and I loved my Nana's cat. (And no...not Oreo, the one that I met on the 4th of July...her other one that I may or may not have mentioned before. ) I'm really upset about this though because I remember when I was really little I would go over to my Nana's place all the time and I'd always see her cat and I loved playing with it. And then I found out last night that her cat had a tumor in it's throat and the vetscouldn't operate on it...and my Nana's cat had to be...put to sleep...forever. :( I'm really upset about this and I'm kinda depressed now but I'm okay. I might seem to be in a horrible, pessimistic mood for the next few days but hopefully I'll get over it. Until then just try to tolerate me in this horrible, pessimistic mood that I'm usually not in. I can only imagine how upset my Nana is though. But at least her cat is in a better place now. Anyways...I'm okay...just in a terrible mood...hopefully I'll get over it soon.

One thing that really sucks now is that I'm feeling kinda depressed. And it's not just about my Nana's cat dying. I'm also getting upset about the fact that I'm actually getting used to my parents' divorce. Like I said should be a good thing but it's not to me because it just shouldn't be one of those things that you just get used to. And there's a few other things as well but I'd rather not get into those. Well...hopefully I'll be fine soon. I just hate being depressed. least I know that I'm still in touch with all my emotions. I was beginning to think that I was getting immune to being sad or something like that because I wasn't upset about my parents' divorce anymore. I might be getting used to it but at least I'm not immune to being upset about something.

Now I should get on with this blog. So far I haven't done anything productive...and to be honest...I don't wanna do anything. I don't even wanna be awake. I just wanna sleep all day...then I won't be upset. Well...don't worry about parents will probably help me out with this one. Anyways...I don't plan to do anything today for the most part. I'm gonna get my new Bakugan icon after I'm done typing this blog. And the random game's gonna begin in this blog as well so just keep reading.I don't have much else to say about my day. I just hopeI get get over being depressed and maybe I'll go play in the mud later. I know one of my mom's friends is coming over later today and well...if the lady's an absolute snob I'm just gonna haveta humiliate my mom in front of her. My mom shouldn't be around people like that but she will unless I do something about it. One last thing that I wanna mention about my day is that I'm probably gonna continue with my Bakugan drawings. As of right now I have the Pyrus, Ventus, and Aquos ones done and they look pretty good in my opinion. I've been working on the Darkus one already and that one should be done by tonight. Then I have no clue of how long the Haos and Sub-Terra ones will take me. That's about it. Yeah...nothing else to say about my day.


Here's everything that you need to know about the random game before we begin though: It is pretty much a sequel to the last random game I made. There will be part of a story and then when that part of the story's over you will be asked a question...usually multiple choice. If you get the question right you will get a point (sometimes perhaps 2 or 3...I dunno. ) and I'll keep track of how many points everyone has in my blogs. If you have the most points by the time the random game's over you win ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...except maybe bragging rights. And if you fail to get even one point you will rot in the Doom Dimension forever! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...uh...yeah...all you haveta do when you leave a comment on this blog is also say your answer. The question will be based on the latest part of the story by the way. If it seems like I left something out just ask because I probably mind's all over the place today. So uh...yeah...that's about all I haveta say about the random game for now. Get your Nerd To English Dictionary ready (if one exists. :P ) and get ready to answer some of my questions. Here we go:

The year is 2065. Exactly three years after you defeated the evil wizard and saved the world in the Random Game One. Everything's been going perfectly for the past few years and there's been world peace. You've saved the world and you're a hero to all. Then one day you're watching the news and you notice that a series of natural disasters have been happening around the globe. You believe that it's the end of the world and get some supplies and live in your basement for the next few weeks to be on the safe side. You listen to the news reports through your battery-powered radio and notice that all across the globe, there's been wildfires, earthquakes, thunderstorms, blackouts, tsunamis, and tornados everywhere! Everyone on the planet is dying! Then the news reports stop coming through on the radio and you lose communication with the outside world. You have enough supplies to last you about two months in your basement. Eventually, about two months later, you run out of supplies and climb out of the basement and into the outside world for the first time in months. You notice that everyone seems to be dead, and you're the only one alive. The natural disasters have stopped and everything that you see for miles and miles has been engulfed in flames and charred to a crisp. All that remains are piles of ashes for miles and miles ahead. You begin walking, not knowing where you're going or what you're doing. You try to look for some food and water but find nothing, everything has been burnt. Then you continue walking and along the way you seefour normal ( *hint* ) guns with the correct size ammunition for each one. Some of the ammunition for each gunis regular ammunition, and some of the ammunition for each gun is +P+ ammunition. You only have enough strength to carry one gun along with some ammunition for it. You have some knowledge of guns and know how to load and take care of them but you don't know how to aima gun. So...which gun do you take?

A.) A shotgun and some normal ammunition for it.

B.) A sniper rifle and some normal ammunition for it.

C.) A revolver and some normal ammunition for it.

D.) A machine gun and some normal ammunition for it.

E.) Screw that! I'm taking all those guns! Lock and load the +P+ ammunition! I dunno what it is but it should be better!

So...just leave your answer when you comment on this blog. In the next blog I'll give you the answer to this question and give you an update on the scores. Usually there's only four choices but ah...I needed five for this one. :P Let's see if anyone knows anything about guns...hopefully not. :P Haha...kidding. :P So...yeah...that's about it. I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog.Good luck with the random game two! Vale.-MightyBFan25 (Alicia)