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My Second Day Back Was Okay... was my second day back at school, as I'm sure it was for all of you who are around my age. :P I had a pretty good day and I wanna talk about it but I hope I don't bore you to death. :P Right now, I'm typing this from Gamespot. I'm not banned or anything, but there's some stupid glitch that won't let me go to my profile page on I'm not suspended or anything though cuz I was posting on some forums a few minutes ago. If anyone else is having this problem or knows how to fix it, could you please tell me cuz I'd really appreciate that. :D I had an overally good day at school. I had Band and a study along with my normal classes. I didn't have too much homework either. We didn't get any Latin or Italian, I did my Math and ELA in a study, and I did my History when I got home. :D I have a funny story to tell you about this morning though. :P So one of my crazy friends, JG, just came up and grabbed me by my backpack and was just dragging me through the hallway to homeroom and talking to me. :P I was trying to make her let go cuz I had to go to my locker, not homeroom, and she knew that. So then she told me to stop acting like a child. :lol: :P I said I wasn't just cuz I wanted to say that. :P of my arch-enemies walked past us and overheard the conversation and said yeah I was. :P I didn't really care. Why should I?! :P And this is random but someone who isn't one of my friends dropped out of BLS today. Random yes...but I wanna type more cuz I'm actually getting to be a WAY better typer since I've been on this site. :D I don't really have much to say. I'm continuing my evil set of mind games with my mom. I'm gonna take a shower later cuz I sorta need one and my mom's forcing me to sometime today anyways. :P This is sorta random and from nowhere but I like wearing this Patriots winter hat that I have indoors for no reason what so ever. :P I just do. :P Surprisingly, I don't have much else to say. :P Oh, and I wasn't tired like I was yesterday! :D And that's wierd cuz I stayed up till 11 reading Farenheight 451. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25