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Near The End Of Christmas Break...'s a little upsetting that Christmas Break is almost over...I still have today off and then Monday off as well but on Tuesday I'm going back too school. And later this afternoon I'm probably gonna be going back to my mom's place...I don't wanna but it won't be that bad and I've noticed that lately I don't dread going back there like I used to a few years ago. :P I don't have much to say about the past few days really...nothing special's really happened. :P I mean...I've just been playing the piccolo, going outside to do stuff, sleeping, going online, playing some games on my Nintendo DS, listening to music, etc... :P And over the break I have been calling Jenna occasionally just to talk about stuff...and she's probably gonna come over again on Monday if I get the okay from my mom but I probably won't. :P New Year's Eve was pretty good...I didn't make it until midnight though...I passed out at like 9:30 and woke up at 12:04 exactly. :lol: :P Missed it by four minutes!!! :P It's fine though...nothing special really happens at midnight. :P But I did make a New Year's resolution and you wanna know what it is...? Are you sure you wanna know what it is...? I don't think you do but New Year's resolution is.....

.....TO GET YOU ALL OUTTA MY HOUSE!!!!! :twisted: :P THE BLOG PARTY'S OVER!!!!! :twisted: :P *kicks you all outta my house* Thank you all for coming but you've overstayed your welcome. :P And my mom wants to kill me now because the house is a mess...thanks especially to a certain wizard that teleported away a little while ago! :P Okay...seriously...I don't have a New Year's resolution...I never make one because I know that I'll never follow up with it and I'll probably forget about it like a week later. :P I don't need one either...throughout the year I always set personal goals for myself wether it pertains to school or music or even some stupid computer game that I can't seem to win. :P Well...might as well get on with this blog because I have nothing else to say in this paragraph... :P

So far today nothing special's really happened. :P I've been doing pretty much everything I've done during my entire vacation...just going outside a little more because the weather outside isn't completely terrible now. :P And I've been occasionally going on ebay to keep an eye on something that I plan on getting with some of my birthday and Christmas money...I mean...I might as well...I was gonna use it to get my piccolo but I got that for Christmas. :P And I finally came up with a nickname for my piccolo...I've been trying to come up with one since Christmas morning but I haven't been able to or they're all just ridiculously stupid but now I have one. :P Well...I remember in my first flute instruction book the first "song" that we played was titled "The Magic Flute" and even though it was this stupid simple thing and all we did was play B Flat as whole notes throughout the "song" I remembered that and I was thinking that it can't be jsut the flute that gets that title...the piccolo should as well because it's a variation of the common transverse flute. :P And I thought it should be something like the Magic Piccolo but more catchy and then I came up with something and to you it might sound stupid but to me it's perfect and that name is "Magiccolo". :P That's about it. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog so I'm probably just gonna go in my room and play Magiccolo for a while. :P And I will continue to address my piccolo as that from now on so just remember that when I mention Magiccolo...I mean my red and gold colored piccolo. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)