Lately nothing's been going on in my life that's too important so I haven't really felt the need to bore you all with another one of my ridiculously long blogs. :P And I don't have much to talk about today but I'll just talk about my day cuz I'm bored and have no life outside of school. :P
My day was pretty good today. Nothing too special really happened that I know of. :P It was just a normal Day 3 so I had Health class and a study along with all my normal classes. I didn't have much homework when I got home...just Italian which only took me about 30 minutes which is no big deal...just a few exercises in the workbook. I don't have much else to say about my school day really... :P
Today my mom got home early from work because she always comes home early on Thursdays cuz she has to pick up my little brother from school and then she comes home a little before I get home at around 3. (yeah...that is kinda late I guess but I live kinda far away from my school so it's about a 45 minute train ride home on the MBTA.) And when I got home I changed into my shorts and a hoodie cuz I wanted to and the weather was really nice outside so I decided I'd do my homework on the porch but my mom was kinda reluctant to cuzshe said that the way I dress is not how "a proper young lady is supposed to dress up". Please...that's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard except one of my friends asking me if George Washington was a Native American. :P But honestly...there's not a law that says I haveta dress up all nice and stuff and it doesn't say that I haveta in the U.S Constitution so I don't really care. :P But eventually my mom let my outside even though she though I looked stupid. :P But I don't care...I'm not self-concious at all really. So I did my homework and then I went back inside. When I'm done typing this blog I think I'm gonna go to the park cuz the weather is really nice and I haven't gone to the park to get filthy for almost a whole week...which for me is like an eternity. :P It's just cuz I've been too caught up playing video games lately though... :P Ah well...I don't have much else to say. :P
That's about it for this blog. :P Hopefully this isn't ridiculously long like most of my blogs. :P I wanna go to the park now... :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25