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Okay, There's Absolutely No Way I Can Go Outside Today!!! :(

Yeah...the weather in MA is so suckish right now. It's raining like mad and it's ridiculously windy so I obviously can't go outside to do anything at all. And even if the weather was nice...I'm not in the best of moods right now and I've been busy today and now I just wanna take a nap. :P I don't plan on making this blog ridiculously long like some of my others so I doubt this'll bore you. :P

My day was pretty good aside from being in a not-so-good mood and being tired. Nothing stupid or crazy or wierd happened except that we had a substitute in History who I hated cuz she's evil. Her name's Ms. Burke and she's the worst substitute in the entire school! But...I'm still alive and typing this so it wasn's too bad and I didn't die at least. :P I had A TON of homework when I got home. It was just a lot of flute practicing and ELA stuff. I had to practice my flute for about an hour, then I had to pick out my Declamation piece for ELA, which took about 15 minutes, and then I did this ELA paper WAY in advance that took me about 2 hours to do. It's not due till February 3rd but I just wanted to get it outta the way. :) So...I've been pretty busy today and I'm pretty tired now. You haveta remember that since I live pretty far away from my school I don't get home until about 3:15, so that's also a factor in my time-managment. But...I still have some time to myself to relax and take a nap later at least... :)

I guess I'll just say why I'm in a bad mood to save you the trouble of typing up the question. I'm in a bad mood for a bunch of reasons. It's Monday, I'm ridiculously tired, the weather sucks so I can't go outside, one of my best friends was absent from school today, and uh...I think that's it. Sorry for being such a pessimist right now but I'm just in a bad mood. I hope none of you are in a bad mood. I'm usually in a good mood and am an optimist but with this set of bad things...ah...I don't think you can really blambe me. :P Oh, I forgot one of the things that has me in a bad mood. It actually involves yesterday. I was too lazy and I didn't seem to have the guts yesterday to do all those horrible things to my mom that I was planning on. I'm actually shocked that I didn't and it's had me thinking about a few things involving my personality and being a troublemaker and I always thought that it was perfectly fine but now...maybe my mind isn't amused by this anymore and I'm just not supposed to act like this at all. I dunno. I'm just a little confused and sorta questioning what I've done for a while now but I'm sure that after I think for a while I'll clear things up in my head. Don't try to persuade me or anything to do something though cuz I'm very hard to persuade and I think this is something I need to work out by myself. Ugh! This is gonna require a lot of thinking and I'm not in the mood to do so right now... :P

That's about all I haveta say. I'm gonna quit troublemaking and torturing my mom for a while until I can sort things out in my head. Bye. -MightyBFan25