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Okay...After Five Minutes I Can't Come Up With A Title For This Blog... :P

Yeah...the title's correct...after five minutes of thinking I still couldn't come up with a title for this blog. :P Oh least this blog has a title. :lol: :P So uh...anyways...sorry for making yet another blog but I REALLY wanna get to blog #175 soon. :P So...sorry for annoying everyone who's reading this blog and this blog's gonna probably be kinda long. :P Well...might as well get started and stop rambling on and on about nothing... :P's only about 11 in the morning right now so I don't have too much to say about my day. :P But I know that today I'm gonna be outside almost all day cuz the weather outside is absolutely AWETHUM where I live! :D There's barely any humidity and it's in the mid sixties right now which is the kinda weather that I love! :D So...if I don't come on too much today...uh...well...don't kill me...I'll probably just be outside doing something stupid or at the park or in the backyard or going on a walk or something like that. :P I'm not gonna be inside too much today. Besides...because of my productive troublemaking evil plan I couldn't play in the mud at my mom's place so of course I haveta do that at my dad's place. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P (See...more evil laughter...not a big deal. :P I'm sure whoever I'm addressing this to knows that I'm addressing it to them. :P )But that'll be later on today...I wanna spend the best part of the day outside doing stuff...not inside taking a bath cuz of my own stupidity. :lol: :P So...I just know that today's gonna be AWETHUM and the only other time that I'm probably gonna be on this site today is late at night where I live probably like right before I go to bed. :P So...don't worry if I'm not logged on for the rest of today. :P Besides...there's no discussion today. :P But I doubt anyone'll miss me...I probably annoy all of you. :lol: :P

By the way...productive troublemaking's been going AWETHUMLY (I doubt that's even a word. :P ) since the last time I gave an update on how that's going. :D :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...I'm the AWETHUMEST evil mastermind ever! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So...I'm still acting all snobby and uptight around my mom and now she's actually trying to do something about it...and I'll tell you what later on in this paragraph...but I mean...the thing is...she still hasn't gotten the message that I'm trying to get across to her by doing this which is the only REAL reason as to why I'm doing this! So...until I see that she's gotten my message...I'm gonna haveta keep this up...which could be a while...or at least until I blow my evil plan...which I probably will but hopefully won't. :P And I know that my mom'll never tell me that she's seen the error of her ways...she'd never have the guts to talk to me and admit that she did something wrong...but I'll know through her actions...I can read mymom like a book! :twisted: :P But seriously...I can. getting to what my mom's trying to do to get me to stop acting that way around her... :P So...remember during my epic prank I mentioned that my mom was trying to bribe me into acting like myself again...? :P No...? :P Well...she did so get over's my life! :P Well...anyways...I took up on her bribe eventually but that was a big lie on my mom's part! So...that didn't make me very happy...but my mom's gonna try that one again. And it isn't just gonna be easing up on some of her rules this time. She's also saying some other stuff along with that like she's gonne let me put games on my TI-83 Graphing Calculator if I wanna, she'll but me a Bakugan set, if I wanna she'll finally let me get my hair cut short (By the mom's always had this one rule that the shortest my hair can me cut is to my shoulders which has always annoyed the heck outta me but I've listened to because I have no choice but to listen to it cuz my mom always comes with me when I get my hair cut...thinking that I'll do something stupid...I dunno what though. :P So...anyways...I know that for my mom letting me get my hair cut short if I wanna is a big deal to her. I don't care. When my productive troublemaking's over I'll probably do that actually... I've always wanted my hair cut a lot shorter than to my'd make it a lot easier to wash the mud outta my hair when I'm done playing in the mud. :P Besides...I don't care how I look and if I don't like's just my'll grow back. Yeah...I'll take up on that offer when my productive troublemaking's over... MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P ), etc... Uh...that's about it really...I just gotta keep up everything that I'm doing and not ruin my evil plan. :D :P

By the way...I got some new Bakugan today...but this blog's kinda long and I doubt anyone really cares so I'll just say that my Bakugan are AWETHUM!!!!! :D :P I just wanna mention one special Bakugan that I got... :P of the Bakugan that I got is this Translucent Orange Bakusolar Darkus Myriad Hades which is SUPER RARE and it's the AWETHUMEST Bakugan ever!!!!! :D I mean...I love battling with Darkus Bakugan cuz I'm evil but that's one Darkus Bakugan that I'll NEVER battle's too AWETHUM to risk breaking it to pull of a Critical K.O. in a battle or something like that. But than again...that's never happened...but still... :P

Uh...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Just a few more blogs and we'll be at blog #175 and you can do whatever the heck you wanna on that blog. :D :P So...if you wanna absolutely torture me...plan something evil to do and try to make me regret making that blog in the first place! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...that's've just been challenged by an evil mastermind to do something evil! :twisted: :P This deserves more evil laughter. :PMWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Wait a sec...oh crap...this isn't good...I'm the one on the recieving end of all the evil-ness that's gonna take place! :P Okay...never mind...I take back what I justsaid! :P And don't remember any of this or I'll brainwash all of you! :twisted: :P's a do-whatever-the-heck-you-wanna blog so do whatever the heck you wanna. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25