Yeah...I can't seem to come up with anything for a title so sorry about that. :P I guess I can't think too well today...sometimes that happens during a day when I don't have school. :P Anyways...I just wanna talk about my day and the remainder of yesterday which I never mentioned in my last blog because it was only like 1 in the afternoon or something when I made it. :P I said in my last blog...Saturday was wicked unproductive. When I finished making that blog my dad had to go somewhere so my grandparents on my dad's side of the family (who by the way are the only other people besides my dad on my dad's side of the family that I've ever met because everyone else is eitherjust a complete jerk who you don't wanna talk to, in rehab, or in uh...yeah...but I shouldn't get too into that if at all so I won't.) took us out for lunch which was good and we came back at around 3. Then I went to the park and did what I said I would and when I got back I obviously had to take a shower and then me and my little brother and my grandma (who came back to my dad's place with us because he wasn't gonna be home till like 8 and if she didn't I'd be stuck babysitting which I didn't wanna do) played this random game that I made up and it was wicked fun...but I never won it once. :P I'd tell you what it was but I'm too lazy to type that at the moment and if you wanna know I'll tell you if you happen to ask me very nicely and perhaps give me a Bakugan...or two...or three...or 2,500...which is my favorite number. :P Anyways...the rest of my day was okay, my dad came home at 8, and we just watched some TV and I went to bed at about 10 and that's about it. :P
Today's been pretty good so far. I've been feeling pretty good all weekend, which hasn't been the case for the past few days. The weather's wicked nice out today too. So...of course I just had to go back to the park. He he he! :twisted: :P It was wicked fun aside from having to take a bath when I got back. Hmmmmm.....maybe later today when I go back to my mom's place I should go and play in that mud pit in the backyard that I made... :twisted: :P mom got off WAY too easy this past week cuz I wasn't feeling too well. :twisted: :P And I wasn't sick and I don't get allergies or anything...I was just wicked tired all week and well...I'm sure that that involved something besides lack of sleep because I get at least 8 hours of sleep every night...I know it was something else and I don't mind saying it but I honestly shouldn't because well...I just shouldn't. :P day's been pretty unproductive. I just don't wanna go back to my mom's place later today. I think I'm leaving in about an hour or two. I don't wanna but ah...what can I do? Apparently nothing. :P You know...I don't even get why I call my mom "mom" though...I mean...there's a HUGE difference between having a mom and a mother and mom's not really a "mom"...she's just a "mother" to me if you ask me. Yeah...from now on I'm just calling her my mother...she's not a mom to me at all...just a mother...nothing more when I think about it. That might sound kinda harsh...but when I really think about it...she's never done anything nice for me...if anything all she's ever done is ruin everything. But anyways...enough of that before it turns into a rant. Now where was I...? :P Oh yeah...I'm going back to my mom's place soon and I'm going back to school on Monday. I really don't wanna but I haveta. I'm just hoping that tomorrow will be okay...
And this is something random that I wanna say but remember that wierd dream that I had a LONG time ago that I wrote about where there was this swarm of bugs that carried this disease that turned you into zombies that Satan controlled? Well...I had a dream like that. :P Anyways...I found out that there was a movie sorta like that called the Island Of The Dead. The only differences was that Satan wasn't involved in it, and it all took place on an my dream the whole world was effected by that. Anyways...the movie only got like one star. I was actually thinking about turning that dream into a book or something when I grew up but apparently now I can't which is annoying to a certain degree. :P Ah well...I'm sure I still could if I wanted to. :P
Now I wanna talk about this wierd dream that I had last night. was really wierd and random so don't ask any questions about it. :P So first I was at my dad's place and we were having some of those Italian cookies but then some really fat Italian guy named Guido came and ate them all. (Don't ask about this...please don't...because I won't have an answer for you. :P ) After that was over me and my little brother had to go to this gymnastics place in Winthrop to preform in the BLS Class V (five) Band. And there were some other preformances before us. Most were okay. Then my arch enemy at my old school, VD (those are her initials), was doing some solo preformance...I don't know what it was...but anyways, she got booed off the stage. :P So then our band came up. Of course I was playing the flute and my little brother was in our band as well for some reason and he was also playing the flute and sitting right next to me. We played 5 songs in this order: Black Is The Color..., Amazing Grace, Normandy Beach, The Pink Panther, and The Mission: Impossible Theme. We did AWETHUM and the audience was cheering for us and everything. Then I put away my flute and was about to leave but them I saw VD who was just acting like a jerk to me so I began to leave but them she told me to wait and said that she wanted me to teach her how to play the flute and I was saying, "Okay...but first...before we do need to play follow the leader with me and I'm gonna be the leader." VD just kinda rolled her eyes and wondered what the heck I wasdoing. :P At first I was okay...not too evil...but after a while...since she had to do whatever I did...I just had to eventually go and play in the mud and get filthy and she had to do the same and after that she wanted to kill me so I just grabbed my flute and ran home and then I woke up. :P Don't ask about the dream was really wierd and random. :P
I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry it's so long...but I like to have wicked long blogs to torture you all with. :twisted: :P Seriously...sorry...I can't help myself sometimes. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25