Yeah...this blog's probably gonna be kinda long. :P Sorry I didn't make one yesterday but I was busy doing a lot of History and Latin homework which took me about four hours and then I went on this site like one time just to check a few things and then I went to bed and read more of "Les Miserables". Well...the good thing about this blog being very long is that that might keep Girlygirl24 (AKA the evil wizard who stole my glasses in the middle of the night. :P Kidding. :P ) from reading this blog...and if she's not the evil wizard...then hopefully this will prevent whoever that evil wizard is from reading this blog. :P You know...if you just so happen to be an evil wizard please identify yourself immediately! I'll be glad to put you in Evil Wizard Prison...if there is such a thing. :twisted: :P Well...enough of that...onto the stuff that is actually somewhat interesting and real in this blog...cuz we all know that wizards aren't real...or are they? :P Kidding. :P
Other than this blog being really long...I'm gonna add to the read at your own risk part...MWAHAHAHAHA!!! :twisted: :P You haveta read this though cuz you're in my world when you read my blogs! :twisted: :P any of you who are reading this: *forces you to go to the park throws you in the mud* Ha ha ha! :P Sorry...I just was in one of my evil troublemaking moods. :P Sorry about that...feel free to do anything you want to me now...I'll probably deserve it. :P But what can I say...the blog title said: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! :lol: :P I said before...I was very busy yesterday. I day was wasn't too bad for a Day 3 at BLS I guess. I had about four hours worth of homework when I got home though which sucks and is why I didn't make a blog yesterday. I don't have much else to say yesterday...all I really remember doing was doing homework. :P Ah well...I doubt you care anyways. :P
Today was one of the AWETHUMEST school days that I can remember though!!!!! :D I got to miss Italian class (which I'm not too fond of anymore) cuz I had to take the NLE (National Latin Exam) like about 30% of the eigth graders in my school and it was the easiest test I've ever taken! was so easy and I thought it was a joke but I guess that's the level of Latin that most kids taking Latin in the nation are at...which seems kinda pathetic to me cuz we've already learned adverbs, participles, forming infinitives, and the subjunctive and a ton of other stuff that wasn't even on the test. That made me feel so smarticle. :P The rest of my day was pretty good and since I did a lot of my school work in advance and I had two studies today...I have no homework tonight which is AWETHUM!!! :D I'm probably gonna do nothing productive for the rest of my day... :P One last thing that I wanna say is that I finished reading "Les Miserables" today and it was AWETHUM!!! :D I just hate reading the last page in a good book cuz it makes me feel depressed cuz the book's over and now I haveta find some other book to read or something else to occupy my time with. :P But...I have stuff to keep me busy so I'm okay I guess. :P A little usual...but I'm okay and normal at the moment...or at least what is normal for me. :P That's about it for school stuff.
Another thing that I wanna say but I'm not gonna get into much detail about is that I think I know who the anti-me is if one even exists. I just realized it today actually. First of all the person's initials, SA are the exact opposite of mine. My initials are AS. (But I'm not gonna say my last name on this first name's enough and even though I trust all of you...there could be creepy stalker peoples who read this stuff so better safe than sorry. :P I guess I'm just paranoid though. :P ). And there's a bunch of other things, including that our personalities are pretty much exactly opposite from each other. I'm not gonna get into anymore detail cuz I doubt you care but if you wanna know more you have permission to ask...but I doubt anyone will...I'd be shocked if anyone is even still reading this stuff. :P
That's about all I haveta really say. :P I'm bored and I have no homework... :P I guess I'll go to the park to play in the mud later cuz I have nothing better to do and it's fun...and I'm gonna probably prank call my arch-enemy at my old school later today too. :P If I do something really stupid...which I probably will...I'm gonna get it from her at CCD class but who cares?! :P It'll be worth it. :P Not much else to say... :P If I don't come on later it's cuz my mom has killed me cuz of what I did at the park...hehe. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (I don't have any clue why I do this at the end of all my blogs and I'm kinda surprised why no one's really questioned it, I just like doing it I guess. :P )