Yeah...the title's correct. :P I'm NOT speaking in the third person in this blog or any of my other blogs from now least...for a while anyways. :P He he he! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...I was getting quite fond of it but ah...enough's enough I guess. :P I'm just a little disappointed that not everyone that commented on those two third person talking blogs commented on them in the third person. :P Oh least a few peoples did. :D :P I'll get on with this blog. :P By the way...I'm sure if you read my last two blogs you were getting kinda annoyed with the third person talking and I'm sure some of you couldn't make sense of what I was saying anyways. :P So...enough of that...and NOW I'll get on with this blog. :P Sorry...I said it before and I didn't. :P thing that I wanna say before I talk about anything else is that when I make my 175th blog...I dunno why but I feel compelled to make it a blog where you can do whatever you want, talk about whatever you want, and ask me whatever the heck you want as long as it isn't help with your math homework or something like that and it's approperiate to say or do on this site. :P So...I still have a fair amount of blogs to make until then but just keep that at the back of your mind for a while. Hopefully I'll get a fair amount of comments on that blog. :D :P And I dunno why it'll be blog #175...I just like that number and it's probably cuz it's the closest blog number coming up that's a multiple of 25. :P So's not a blog party but more of just a do-whatever-the-heck-you-want-to blog. :P I just wanna see what's gonna happen. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...seriously...I dunno why I wanna make a blog like that...I just do for some reason. :P So...for the next bunch of days I'm gonna be making a blog almost every day or every day if I'm not too lazy just so that blog comes around. :P So...just keep that in mind and in my next blog or the one after that or the one after the one after that one the title will mention something about that to let everyone know. :D :P So...hopefully this won't be a complete disaster. :lol: :P
One more thing that I wanna mention is I remember a few blogs ago I mentioned something that there was something going on that I didn't wanna mention in my blog cuz I thought everyone would think I was mentally insane. :P Well...I'll mention it now cuz I just realized that I was being stupid. :lol: :P So...for the past two weeks or something like that I noticed that every night before I went to bed one of my stuffed animals (yes...I have a few stuffed animals and I'm 14. :P Laugh all you want but I don't care. :P ) would always be in the far corner of my room and I never put it there. So...after a while I was getting kinda paranoid and I seriously thought that either my room was haunted or I was getting smart to the point where I was unintentionally moving stuff with my mind. :lol: :P that I think about was REALLY stupid. :lol: :P So after a while I found out that it was all a prank that my little brother was playing on me. :P I actually found out a few days ago but I forgot to mention it actually. :P So...I'm glad that my room's not haunted but I really wish I could move stuff with my mind. That'd be AWETHUM!!! :D :P And then maybe I could learn how to blow up places with my mind...and the first place on the agenda ( I really wanna mention how the word agenda comes from Latin but I doubt anyone cares. :P ) would be CA. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm kidding...I doubt I could ever do that and if I could I dunno what I'd blow up first...probably my mom's head. :lol: :P Hehe he! :twisted: :P Anyways...I'm just a little annoyed because I shoulda known it was a prank...but oh well...I fell for it. :P Nothing I can do. :P far my day's been pretty unproductive and nice. :P I still can't wait for my Bakugan stuff to come in the mail and I can't wait for those new Mighty B! episodes to air. :D I'm actually still at my dad's place right now because at my mom's place some people are gonna be working on the porch for the next few days so I'm not going back there until Wednesday night. :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D I just wish I was there though actually...I needs to start my productive troublemaking. :twisted: :P Oh well...a few days won't kill me I guess. :P I don't have much else to talk about today... :P
One last thing that I wanna mention is that last night I had a wierd dream. I don't remember much of it but I'll tell you what I do remember. So...for some reason I was at the beach...which is weird cuz I hate the beach and I hardly ever go there. And while I was there...there was this one person who seemed familiar but I couldn't recognize the was like I knew who the person was but I never met them before. Then the person walked up to me and I found out that it was my best friend from my old school. So I went up and I was about to talk to her but then I saw that she was with all those mean popular girls from my old school. So my best friend from my old school came up to me, called me a b****, and then beat me up and broke my glasses. Then they all left and I woke up. That's all I can remember from that dream. I didn't like that dream at all and I have no clue what it means if it means anything at all. :P least it wasn't real. :P wasn't a dream...nerds don't have dreams of getting beat up...they have nightmared of getting beat up so it was nightmare. :P least I wasn't about to die in that dream. :P
I don't have much else to talk about in this blog. :P I have no clue what I'm gonna do with myself for the rest of today but then again...during the Summer I never seem to know what to do with myself. :P I'll think of something though...I always do. :P He he he! :twisted: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25